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onefinepieceofass @onefinepieceofass
onefinepieceofass @onefinepieceofass
Do you have a Toki bodypillow?
Last one to post here wins

toritori @toritori
commented on
Last one to post here wins
toritori @toritori
stfu weeboo go fuck ur Rem and Ram body pillowes

onefinepieceofass @onefinepieceofass
onefinepieceofass @onefinepieceofass
I can't agree more, the flashback was amazing but I'm also really glad we're back to the good ol' Straw-hats. I'm really interested to see how much damage the new haki abillity deals to Big Mom or Kaido.
One Piece Wano Arc (anime only up to date no spoilers)

nuke288 @nuke288
commented on
One Piece Wano Arc (anime only up to date no spoilers)
nuke288 @nuke288
Yeah. I liked the plot revealed by the flashback, but I'm so glad it's finally back to the present. I've been waiting for the fight against Kaido for a long time. I'm curious to see Luffy use the new haki ability, and see Zoro use the Enma Blade to it's full potential. Can they actually beat Kaido and Big Mom ? Are the Pirates of the Worst Generation still no match? I want to know.
One Piece Wano Arc (anime only up to date no spoilers)

onefinepieceofass @onefinepieceofass
One Piece Wano Arc (anime only up to date no spoilers)
onefinepieceofass @onefinepieceofass
Everybody get TALKING about it! You might see me in the replies here and there. Just wanna hear all of your thoughts on the most recent episodes and the arc in general. I am very looking forward to the upcoming episodes now that we're past the flashback. Can't wait to see where it goes :)