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Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
You coming back?

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
X3 Yeah I think most of us here on MaiOtaku have as it goes, it seems like almost everyone on this site dreams big hoping to catch their dream and I've seen people think up some pretty big dreams but then when failure comes along it's crushing really. From the sounds of it, I think we can all relate to the dark places thing here ^^" Heh! But yeah it's really all about passing on the good will to other people and encourage them to chase a dream they've always wanted to be a part of. All we can do is motivate them, it's up to them to make things happen and judging from how I know you so far Sakura, I reckon you'd make a pretty excellent teacher in telling your students to never give up and keep trying! o/ And whenever is in doubt with their own existence, I think that comic can really cheer people up o/ I mean there's a lot of things in life I'm terrible at! Heck I mean I'm not good at cooking or knowing where to go due to terrible sense of direction and I might be prohibited from certain things in life due to medical reasons but it's really a matter of giving it a try and seeing what works o/
Ahh! Do you have a link to your Steam profile Sakura? If you want I can add you on there as well X3 I usually play a pretty huge variety of different games but right now I'm immensely hooked on the Serious Sam franchise because I love it XD I'm curious on what games you play on Steam? X3

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
So, how are you today?
Whats your addiction?

NerdySakura @nerdysakura
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Whats your addiction?
NerdySakura @nerdysakura
Buying books. I have 2 shelves full of unread books & I bought 4 more today!
Favorite Book Genres

NerdySakura @nerdysakura
Favorite Book Genres
NerdySakura @nerdysakura
Just curious to see what other people's favorite book genres are and why. or even favorite authors (:
(avid reader here so love chatting about books and why people like them)