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♫Jasmine♫ @xallorax
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♫Jasmine♫ @xallorax
hello :) thanks for the add

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
Need a hug

elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
I'm very glad that I'm not alone with this crap ♥
portal knights on steam

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
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portal knights on steam
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
I have played it on steam with a few of my friends, tho i havent gone v far with it due to playing other games more.
Do add me on steam so we can play sometime tho =)
Boderline personality disorder

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
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Boderline personality disorder
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
I'm actually diagnosed with ADHD when i was younger , my attention span is low and i have problems paying attention especially doing important meetings like my lectures etc and i also act on impulse during intense situations whereby i get mad at almost everything and i tend to curse everyone online when things dont go well uncontrollably or in my mind in real life. I went to therapy when i was much younger at a mental hospital but they didnt give me anything besides their expansive consultation fee per session.
Either than that , i am really socially awkward in real life to the point i have anxiety with crowds and stuff. But i'm still able to go outside alone and with people so its not that bad whereby i cant go out at all. As for conversations , i can talk to people but it drains me out a lot and most people are just nice to me so that they can use me if they need help which happens when i was still working before. (Forgot to mention that sometimes i tend to repeat certain words which feels horrible irl)
And those very few friends i have , although they are great i just don't feel better when i talk to them, because whenever i try to open up people will say "its normal " or "dont worry things will be better" , i know they are trying to help but its just people not taking mental illness seriously.
And every once in a while , i get these few people who really understand me and are supportive but those people left me once they saw the real me, which breaks me more each time , even when i try to tell them or have helped or touched them many times before , they will all go . I tend to get clingy to them as well,so in the end i find it hard to believe in people anymore.
About BPD , i havent officialy went for any official test except the online quiz , since i have strong anxiety when it comes to things which i mentioned earlier , a persistent fear of abandonment (which happens quite often). So i strongly think i have BPD as well.
About the angry at everything part i feel you , since i also feel that way about myself when it comes to almost everything like a defensive mechanism , and that's where i get depressed once i settled down to the point i feel suicidal.
Sometimes i wish i could find someone who really understands me completely , but i kind of gave up since each time i thought i find someone that can make me happy makes me feel worse . I am tempted to go to therapy again , if i can actually find "free therapy" since i really do not want to tell my parents even though they will be willing to pay for it due to complicated reasons.