portal knights on steam

PandaArmyFuher @korratheclod
portal knights on steam
PandaArmyFuher @korratheclod
Anyone here play portal knights on pc? I am very aware that it is on xbone and ps4 but I do not own either of those and its not on ps3 or xbox 360 and I ONLY have it on pc. Anyway if you have it on pc and would like to play then add me on steam(its listed on my profile) and/or comment on the topic. Thanks

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
commented on
portal knights on steam
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
I have played it on steam with a few of my friends, tho i havent gone v far with it due to playing other games more.
Do add me on steam so we can play sometime tho =)

PandaArmyFuher @korratheclod
commented on
portal knights on steam
PandaArmyFuher @korratheclod
I can't add people due to only getting games from friends so people have to add me
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