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DeadAngel @deadangel
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DeadAngel @deadangel
hi there

OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
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OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
Hi! I'm really sorry it took so long to confirm the friend request, Mai Otaku apparently doesn't send e-mail notifications for them and I never bothered to check... Gomennosai!

Kawa @kawa
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Kawa @kawa
I hope the people on here are treating you good and if not just tell me and i'll beat them up XD But yeah if any thing goes on tell me and i'll see if I can help k :)
What are you watching now?

nekochibichan @nekochibichan
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What are you watching now?
nekochibichan @nekochibichan
Well i'm newly addicted to fairy tale ^^' lol also ai no exorcist and tactics again (for the millionth time)
Best Anime Villan!?

nekochibichan @nekochibichan
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Best Anime Villan!?
nekochibichan @nekochibichan
Grell! ^^ Although he's not such a good villian lol