Best Anime Villan!?

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Best Anime Villan!?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
It has to be Gary Oak.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Best Anime Villan!?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
That one took a little thinking since there's so many good ones to choose from. But the one I really respect is Legato Bluesummers

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Best Anime Villan!?
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Tough call between Aizen from Bleach and the Millenium Earl from D. Grey Man.

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Best Anime Villan!?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
and by legato, aizen, and earl, you actually mean gary oak from pokemon right?!

Lamby @momoichi
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Best Anime Villan!?
Lamby @momoichi
no way to all of though! its obviously Beck ^^ from Big O ^^

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Best Anime Villan!?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
hrm good choice, he does have some epic hair haha

Lyson @lyson
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Best Anime Villan!?
Lyson @lyson
Aizen and Madara

nekochibichan @nekochibichan
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Best Anime Villan!?
nekochibichan @nekochibichan
Grell! ^^ Although he's not such a good villian lol

Roumi @roumi
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Best Anime Villan!?
Roumi @roumi
Kid Buu....he's pure evil!!

Mr. Mimic @mrmjk
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Best Anime Villan!?
Mr. Mimic @mrmjk
Kishin Asura from Soul Eater, anyone who is that demented and can survive a couple of Reaper Chops saying he's doing the right thing wins my vote
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