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29 year old Female
Last online 7ヶ月 ago
fredericksburg , VA
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Jun 22, 23 at 9:23pm
I still need you to read this
Lamby @momoichi was that by the dude who did hells paradise?
godspell @godspell No. It's a tournament manga. Nobunaga rules Japan so different history. He's gotten old and wants death battles. So all the candidates to succeed him have brought forth a fighter
Lamby @momoichi you like your tourny manga. ill keep it in mind
godspell @godspell It's my guilty pleasure. People say tournament manga suck. But they're always so well drawn and hype
Lamby @momoichi i havent read many or seen many animes of that genre but i imagine people find them repetitive, cause to be fair how can you keep it fresh? i wonder if power scaling is also an issue, cause like if i beat A and A beat B and C, i am stronger than B and C. or like tokyo revengers issue of 'hes the strongest!' and then theres another strongest and another strongest and another strongest. i think dbz had the same issue
godspell @godspell Well tokyo revengers is to change the past. So he has to deal with the demons of each of the crew so that their futures selves can be happy. I'm not sure. I believe tournaments are amazing from the character dynamics the dialogue to the personality of the characters. Like rn I'm hype on ragnorak its Spartacus vs Apollo. And Spartacus refuses to go fight bc he says I'm a starter or finisher. And he finds out its apollo
godspell @godspell Calls Apollo I hate 3 things. And they're you you piss of shit
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Jun 22, 23 at 9:11pm
Do you have hybristophilia and if so who's your favorites serial killers? https://i.ibb.co/m48W3xY/Screenshot-20230622-221028-2.png
Lamby @momoichi a shade of it definitely. scary isnt necessarily sexy, but it amplifies ones attractiveness (in media). not really into serial killers, i think i just like the idea of 'they treat you differently' and this is hyperbolized in 'they kill anyone but wouldnt hurt you'. everyone wants to feel special.
Ghost @kuharido Do you have favorite serial killers? Mine is John Gacy and Andrei Chikatilo.
Lamby @momoichi why john gancy? cause of his final words? i think i can i asked you this before, so lemme see if i remember; andrei was that mexican serial killer that has the highest kill rate?
Lamby @momoichi but of course i do. i use to be scared of ted bundy but that dude is FUCKING HYSTARICAL what a clown! i wanna bully him now! i bet he had super low self esteem. aileen wuornos is probz my favorite, idk if any serial killer was as justified or ATLEAST sympathetic as her. though she was undeniably wack ass crazy. i like dahmer too cause he seemed really repentant about it, and was so soft spoken. seemed like a lonely dude that had a very unfortunate fetish.
Lamby @momoichi you ever watch the serial killer iceberg by wendigoon? i learned a shit ton off that
Ghost @kuharido I thought he was interesting character. Tortured soul, tough relationship with his dad. Ran a successful business, democrat. Had things going for him but he was gay and disturbed. Are you thinking of Richard Ramirez? Andrei was a Russian serial killer who had erectile dysfunction along with growing up during Stalin's famines. The knife he used in his murders was like a stand in for his penis.
Lamby @momoichi LOL i wish he wasnt a democrat because id love to remind republicans about teddy boy, but theyd just throw gacy at me. though gacy was only ever state level, ted met fucking presidents. was he a tortured soul? the doc i saw on netflix portrayed him as a straight monster, but that shit can always be really bias. no not ramirez, he wasnt a mexican american, he has the highest known kill rate cause he killed kids. andrei wasnt that dude that raped a girl in a pool right?
Ghost @kuharido I do think Aileen felt genuinely threatened. I think they scanned her brain and found overdeveloped parts that controlled paranoia. So she probably reacted to things very strongly. I don't watch iceberg videos much but I probably know a lot of them. I have a friend really into true crime.
Lamby @momoichi absolutely, that poor fucking woman holy shit. idk if any serial killer went through the shit she did. maybe the one that was forced to wear womens clothing and was pimped out by his mom (forget his name) but no one else has such an excuse like she did, holy fuck. and even then, she killed men, the sex that abused her her ENTIRE life, these psychos go after women when theyr abusers were also men.
Ghost @kuharido It does look like Gacy's dad abused him but Gacy always denied and said he loved his dad. Andrei wasn't in the US he was exclusively a Russian killer.
Lamby @momoichi was he the chess guy? i think i know who your talking about (though i didnt know the stalin connection)
Ghost @kuharido https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Chikatilo
Lamby @momoichi ayo im right, it was the pool guy "In May 1973, Chikatilo committed his first known sexual assault upon one of his pupils. In this incident, he swam towards a 15-year-old girl and groped her breasts and genitals, ejaculating as the girl struggled against his grasp. " interesting read, i get this mix of sympathy, pity, and disgust. what a rollercoaster.
Lamby @momoichi that latter read was morbidly funny. hes a russian humbert humbert
Ghost @kuharido Oh okay, I had forgotten about that one. I'll have to read his article again. The guy was messed up. It's like me in GTA Online.
Lamby @momoichi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Pichushkin#:~:text=Pichushkin%20has%20said%20his%20aim,had%20he%20not%20been%20stopped. the chess dude was really interesting imo, male victims is always a plus
Lamby @momoichi i fucking hope you dont do that shit even in gta xD!
Ghost @kuharido I will read about him. Uhhh... In GTA I like chasing pretty women NPCs and stabbing them a lot.... >.>
Lamby @momoichi oh my, 'like' so this isnt a thing you just did in the past >W> you didnt fuck the wounds atleast right?
Ghost @kuharido Well, I have a specific knife I use and I stab over and over. It's a metaphor for intimacy. I Kill plenty of men too but that's just a quick bullet, hammer, or my car. It's not intimate like the ones I kill with that knife.
Ghost @kuharido Kinda wish I could cuddle with them and cost myself in their blood. Oh well. Also the police always get mad at me.
Lamby @momoichi kinda reminds me of varamyr six skins in a song of ice and fire; he used his power to rape the village girls, but he also stalk them first and took a memento from each one that he treasured dearly. seems like a dude that wanted to make a connection but was constantly unable for whatever reason (he was short and balding i guess) you didnt stab any of the ugly ones? sounds sexist to me!
Ghost @kuharido I kill uggos. It's a favor. I'm generous. I kinda wish my victims would fight back though. It's more exciting that way.
Lamby @momoichi careful, ladies fight back with nails. and goodness forbid she has acrylics, those filthy things, you'll 100% get an infection.
Ghost @kuharido Nothing would make me more happy. I wanna be stalked. Seeing the shadows stalking me. Then her nails drive into me. Knocks me down. Claws me, draining blood then a hug. Acceptance in my weakest state that she made. The dream. That's why I like SCP-1471-A. The dream.
Ghost @kuharido ^did you read this part? it's an honest expression. It's weird, I know. I don't tell people about it.
Lamby @momoichi oops, sorry that got away from it. *reads* you need to visit the femdom sub on lolcow, these girls have these exact fantasies of kidnapping men and keeping them in their basements. i was surprised how common and intense the fetish is among women
Ghost @kuharido I'm pretty sure those women would hate me XD. sounds cool though.
Lamby @momoichi there was one particularly (based) deranged nona that had a fantasy about a man getting into a car accident and his guts are spilling from his body but he lives a normal life like that and she thought it would be hot to see his organs pulsate and wriggle harder when he gets nervous/embarrassed. these girls are just as wacked as men are (as it should be). hmmm why do you think theyd dislike you? they have no trust for libmen, true, but your disposition would be exactly what theyr looking for and even they accosted you for being a scrote, that would be fun for you no?
Ghost @kuharido That's pretty hot. Makes me think of Naraku when he has his time of the month. Women into femdom usually like cute pretty boys not a swarthy behemoth like myself. While I don't mind being called a scrote in femdom circles that means they usually don't want anything to do with you. There was a couple in Claymore where there was a woman who was really powerful but she was small and she has this big monster guy she bullied but also used him to do wetwork. She even saves him saying he's pathetic but hers. Like that was super cute to me I could probably do that but I'd need praise too at times cause I have low self esteem.
Lamby @momoichi yes and no. the majority of the women do seem to salivate over young twinks, but keep in mind, domming is funnest when the target is difficult to control. as a sub, i think the hottest thing is for a twinky nerd to dom me, because it shows just how weak i would be. domming is the same. the stronger they are the more gratification for subduing them.and swarthy is handsome. way more handsome then pigmentlets with blue eyes (peop-le with blue eyes over represent glasses wearers because your eyes arent as strong without the large amount of pigments) and lions with darker manes are the ones that score the most because darker hair is more visible. you got that tall dark handsome thing goin on, dont knock it, even nature itself agrees your genes are superior, why else would they be dominant?
Lamby @momoichi idk, there was this raid by /r9k/ on the thread once (calling them rapists, saying theyr just as bad if not worse then men) and some of the girls were saying they want to lock up these /r9k/ers in their basements and basically torture them for their sexual pleasure. girls like a laaaaaarge swath of male features, i mean dad bods were a thing. unconventionally attractive men are prefered by women i believe
Lamby @momoichi actually, they even have an unconvienionally attractive thread and a nerd thread, you might feel better if you ever dipped into those. female attraction is so vast and accepting, dont sell yourself short.
Ghost @kuharido I agree with what you say but my own experiences say otherwise. I don't really believe in the dad bod thing I think that's just a meme. I've been rejected over my looks or background before so eh. I'm pretty jaded I guess, that's why I low key gave up. I'm not trying to downplay women's attraction either they do like a variety but whatever is the component that makes them like a man I do not have it.
Ghost @kuharido and I don't rule out the issue is with me too I'm probably too picky and self sabotage.
Lamby @momoichi if you look at what women and men value most, for men its looks and for women its stability. i think the issue is if you have things your lacking, you have to make up for them in other ways. just keep workin on you. stagnation is the death of progression. i would know, trust me. plus you have such a good personality, it just feels like such a waste for you to give up. i think we all self sabotage when we have low self esteem and dont think wer worthy of our partner, that theyll eventually leave us anyway or try and press and press and press to see if they rreallyyy like you inside and out and you end up flooding them. but you have no reason to have low self esteem, your smart and kind, that puts you above most people in this world. though, i suppose thats rather hollow, isnt it lol?
Ghost @kuharido Never, I have accepted my place in the void.
Lamby @momoichi fair enough. just remember, the abyss stares back :P
Ghost @kuharido it better be SCP-1471-A
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Jun 22, 23 at 9:04pm
Ghost @kuharido They say squirting is mostly pee
Lamby @momoichi (((rant/vent you dont have to read it, directed at society not you of course))) *pet peeve landmine stepped on* its almost entirely pee if not entirely. the female orgasm isnt the male orgasm, theres no squirting of fluid. there is more fluid but by pure arousal. theres only a squirt because of the muscle clamping and you have to already need to pee and force it out, it isn't natural. small vent sorry i know its a meme but i hate how the female orgasm has somehow become manified because goodness forbid men have to even for a moment imagine that someone can display pleasure in a way they can not immediately relate too. sorry for the vent/rant ;w; just something iv been thinking about lately. i need a manifesto to unleash my feelings into
Ghost @kuharido Sounds like it's more internal. That's a good thing though since male arousal is more external. It's a good balance.
Lamby @momoichi maybe im brain poisoned by ero doujin where the female orgasm is only ever shown via squirting these days. yeah atleast the cum goes inside, could you imagine how messy sex would be if woman actually squirted? masturbation would be impossible
Ghost @kuharido I do think comics do that for surrealism and male audiences. I try to read bio stuff about it. The differences in genders is pretty cool to me.
Lamby @momoichi yeah i think its because of how misogynistic japan is. unironically msot of them havent had sex with a woman, let alone made her cum, so i guess its all greek to them anyways
Lamby @momoichi they are, really. its interesting how male behavior and female behavior compliment eachother, like two pieces of a puzzle, shaped opposite yet they combine seamlessly
Ghost @kuharido Yeah, doesn't work for me though. I don't like to chase or dominate. XD
Lamby @momoichi thats why we need both sexes to embrace the positive gender stereotypes of the other! woman should be confident and stable and independent, and men should be more thoughtful and caring and supportive. i think we're getting there as a society though, slowly but surely, if we last long enough, i think we will become more heterogeneous in relation to how we act and perceive the opposite sex
Ghost @kuharido I do think that's a good thing. I think while sexuality can be general it's also very individual. Society conditioning buries that though. I do hope people get to understand theirs more with society being more open.
Lamby @momoichi societal condition imo is everything in every aspect of our lives. to exemplify how fucking powerful these media sources are in our development and our own knowledge of ourselves and our likes and dislikes, the harvard mudd college changed the name of their computer science class and culled the annoying men (the students who were overly boastful, all men) and guess what? the women found that they actually really loved the course. women are so under represented in stem fields because wer told we dont like these things, that wer carers and people pleasers. i love this case study, its just more evidence of the skully effect and by that showing what a choking hold our environment and social conditioning truly has on us
Ghost @kuharido That is a big problem. Lots of intelligent people don't get the chances they should. Who knows what kind of genius is stifled by unwelcoming environments and socioeconomic challenges. They should do a separate course to make people more comfortable.
Lamby @momoichi especially a problem when considering stem fields consistently pay well. hey, dont think we ever spoken about this, but im curious on your thoughts; why do you think so many men are engulfed in this red pill shit? like, the dating aspects and the cultural aspects of 'being a man.' the andrew tates and rollo tony types, not the general ring wing /pol/ origins. im sure its a trend thatll blow over like all the others, but (maybe because im terminally online and this isn't as prevalent as i think?) why has it struck such a chord with so many men?
Ghost @kuharido Fear, men are terribly afraid of their weaknesses. More so than women. To not be strong enough, to show vulnerability, to not be able to provide. So the red pill culture gives them a way to project blame for their lack of ability. Along with potentially building what they don't have. It's very easy to love that mindset, it makes them feel powerful. The suppressing of emotions makes them feel more resilient. Until something happens. A sickness, losing someone, being isolated. Then you're alone with your weakness. That's why many of them implode like Tate or men who get old that get angry all the time.
Lamby @momoichi true, for women to be weak (physically and emotionally) is a virtue of your gender, its excused and expected. i think for men weakness (physical or emotional) is seen as a moral failing. yeah, i once heard one of those freaks say 'men are the more stable and stronger sex. trauma builds a man, it ruins a woman,' while male suicide rates show a much, much different story. tell me if this is my misandry, it may as well be, but why are men like this? women have been oppressed since the dawn of time, yet we dont act like this. hell, men werent like this in the 60s/70s. i dont even think their suicide rates were as bad. is it because of raising loneliness/virginity rates? but still, women just dont act like this, (or do they? am i blind to it?) hell most women will tell you feminism is dumb, while men are screeching about 'MISANDRYYYYYY!! STOP OPPRESSING MY MASCULINITY!!!' when they are their own worst enemy. is that it? women have someone else to blame, men only have themselves and because of that refuse to ruminate on that? or because theyr biologically ill fitted for introspection?
Ghost @kuharido It comes from the "alpha male" myth. Men are meant to be conditioned for hard labor and/or fight in wars. They're not supposed to express vulnerability. It happened in the 60's and 70s too. You see it with middle aged men they are the most likely group to commit suicide. It's a very toxic and unhealthy mindset that's been soaked into our culture. Men are in kind of a hard place now. Cause society is more peaceful now then it was before. So now that 'alpha male' myth doesn't help them. They can't find a glorious war to die in. Even the past wars we recently had wasn't much compared to previous ones. They also can't make a living in blue collar work before. The male role is in decline. They are also hated for traditional masculine behavior. Some of it was definitely toxic but some of it wasn't so bad. Like guys sense of humor is mostly harmless I would say. The strongest men are always the kindest though. Yet they get murdered cause society hates them, they can't fathom why but they do. Jesus, Lincoln, Ghandi, etc. There are men like Bodhidharma(the founder of Chan Buddhism that became Zen) who taught Shaolin monks. You can be strong but in a positive way but that unfortunately isn't taught much. It doesn't please the monkey brain and not enough role models for that kind of strength.
Lamby @momoichi i dont really agree with that, i think men are conditioned to work any field they want, from laborer to stem (so long as the field isn't feminine, but that is also to say the fields woman are encouraged toward are far narrower than men). i noticed that suicidality in men correlated near perfectly with peak virginity rates (late 30's early 40's) so i think male suicide is heavily inspired by loneliness. in the 60s/70s men could pluck wives from trees basically, they didn't have the dating issues that modern men have. i googled the suicide rates and even when accounting for the spikes in the 1950s (ww2 vets likely) and 1990s (likely the crime wave) this is the worst men have had it emotionally. are men really in a hard place? they are freer than they ever have been to express themselves and change. do they not want that? did they prefer having this niche role? why? women have flourished extraordinarily with the opportunities we've been given (even over representing college graduates now) so why are men seemingly regressing when they have (i assume) the same freedoms? you say the male role is in decline, but so is the female role. my issue is i just dont understand why only men are acting out when both genders are given so much more freedom. 'guys sense of humor is mostly harmless' can you elaborate on this? i think it just goes back to the core of my confusion; why havent women acted like this? why are solely men lashing out, regressing, and killing themselves when when women couldnt even vote, were legally raped, forced to be financially dependent on their spouse, policed in every aspect, told they were less than, couldnt own bank accounts or divorce their husbands, and stuck in the predetermined role as a maid/brood mare and never once (even the lavender menace was a small blip on the historical radar that no one has even heard of) have since flourished beyond expectation?
Ghost @kuharido Maybe it's not just career but maybe male expression aswell. You bring up good questions and I'm not really sure I can give an answer. I do loneliness plays a role. Men have a harder time with social groups and maintaining them especially if they get out of a long relationship. Maybe in the past since marriage was more common and men could stay married there was less suicide but now it might be different. Although plenty of married men commit suicide or men in high status. From what I read the way men commit suicide is general more violent aswell so that might play a role. I do think men are in a hard place atleast as providers. Since it's much harder to provide now when in previous generations one income could support a household. Most men in those days could count on that. In terms of why women dealt with oppression better. I mean maybe they're the stronger gender. Maybe modern technology is showing that now since men can't dominate with their physical strength anymore. There might be something to expression though. This might be kinda unrelated but I know in a lot of games some guys will play as girl characters cause there are more clothing varieties. I think that might be part of it. Male expression is very limited. In the past is perfectly normal for men to wear make up. Make up had a spiritual purpose. When the British liberated the bensel benen concentration camp they ordered stuff for the prisoners and the first thing they got was lipstick. Which surprised them and they thought it was useless. yet the prisoners really liked it and despite having nothing just having lipstick to "play" with changed them. If you ever see footage of prisoners in concentration camps, even modern ones like in the Yugoslav war, aside from the psychical problems they are completely defeated. No emotion, they don't look anyone in the eye, they don't talk. just nothing. The lipstick in that camp gave them their humanity back. You know in the US it's pretty common to chastise a boy for liking flowers. In Afghan culture it's totally normal for a man to like flowers, Afghan warriors even painted flower patterns on their rifles during the war with the British. Yet when the Taliban took over they got rid of that and I read a interview of a Afghan military leader who had to hide his love of roses, dancing, music, and poetry from the Taliban. So I wonder if maybe male expression suffers a lot. Like if you see me, although I was chastised for some of my expression I find some other ways to express things. Like profiles of mine have a variety of soft and hard things. Like flowers or jewels. Yet also cool stuff like war machines. I think their might be something to that. I mean maybe I'm just going on a tangent but I'm trying to answer cause you do bring up good questions and I'm not sociology expert but I think the suppression of men being able to express themselves might have something to do with it.
Ghost @kuharido ^ did you read this? I think I did well on it.
Lamby @momoichi HOW DID I MISS THIS sorry im so bad at keeping track of these i was literally waiting for an answer *reads*
Lamby @momoichi yeah, its so shitty. men biologically dont pick up on social cues and simply aren't as naturally socially fluent. and they just happened to also be the gender that also has a harder time regulating their emotions (though this is likely environmental and not biological) and also happen to be the gender that is told to be stoic and now allow yourselves to show emotions (aka weakness, because women are fluent in emotional intelligence so this is inherently a trait that should be treated as less below the superior controlled stoicism of men). i think men are awful friends tbh. they cant talk openly with each other like female friends can or they risk being judged and mocked. so they need women to help them sort out their feelings and vent to. but no women to vent to? you have no one in that case. your all alone with your emotions, emotions you were never taught understand and were explicitly punished for trying to express. that has to be maddening. i would say that men who commit suicide when married are more of an outlier to this new trend, though are still victims of their society (women are in therapy and on medication more than men, and as men kill themselves more often its more likely that men simply dont ask for help like women do, and not that women suffer from mental illness more often) as they suffer from these crippling mental illnesses but dont feel like they can ask for help, and talking to your partner only helps so much. i disagree with the providers point, actually. its expected for a woman to have a steady job and even to go dutch on a date these days. actually, women are in a harder place now because they are earning near equal to their spouses and still do 60% of the chores. so women are working harder than men in these relationships. and when women do out earn these men (and still do the chores btw), they get angry and insecure. men are in an easier position as well because now they get to live in duel income partnerships, its not all on them anymore to provide, they get a financial shoulder to lean on. and women profit as well by not having to suffer from financial blackmail, though again the chores thing is still an inequality. maybe it comes down to male nature vs female nature? women are just naturally passive while men are naturally aggressive (i once heard an evopsych explanation that said that women who fought back were murdered, and the women that let the men do as they wanted were bred, which is horrifically bleak but also disgustingly plausible, as i do think women are genetically more subtle and reserved when compared to the aggression and impulsivity of men) so perhaps women were simply, kinda, made to put up with oppression, more so than men, who are the creators of this oppression (which is to say, natural oppressors). or maybe im being sexist, idk im thinking as im writing lol. lmao bullshit, males play as female characters because they wanna watch their ass. most videogames are tailored to men, like, vast vast vast majority, no way the females have a larger clothing option unless its full of bikinis and pasties. it all comes back to sexual gratification and objectification. thats a lovely story, and really exemplifies the boot men press across their own throats. literally that meme with the little kid. but anyways, again this doesnt even touch on why men are flipping out and actively regressing when they are as free as women are. women are leaping toward gender expression, the gender critical movement was founded by women. is it because they truly believe that to be male is to be the best of the best? is it their own misogyny thats drowning them? i know its always been like this, misogyny is at the heart of male oppression, typecasting even themselves into this rigid binary. but this only makes me hate men xD i want a view that makes me sympathetic and understanding, but this outlook just makes me callous to their suffering. like, theyr stupid children that are putting their hands on a stove cause mommy told them not to? even on an individual level, women have given them a life preserver, told them that its ok to just be yourself, but they put their middle fingers up and accepted death rather than just being a little feminine? theyd literally DIE than be like us. how do i not hate men with this conclusion xD??? like iv always been an emotional misandrist, but logically iv always seen individual men are humans bound to the same wheel as women were. but this is some jading shit, you know?
Lamby @momoichi iv also seen it accurately put that women are fucked dating wise even though they have more choices, because men are either stagnating or regressing. women do so fucking much work, they go to college, get a degree, they pull the hair from their bodies and put creams in their hair and wear perfume and buy nice clothing and diet and exercise. what do men offer these days? not a paycheck, women have that now. what do men offer women? i think this is why dating has become harder for men as well, women are only rising and doing more and men refuse to do more.
Ghost @kuharido Male friendship is a little hard to explain from the outside. Like in one group I am in that's a mix of incels and femcels. The men often call each other fakcels and tell them to gtfo out of the group. One of the femcels asked why we do that and I explained to her that giving a direct compliment isn't really a normal social thing from men so in a roundabout way we're giving a compliment that the guy is too good to be an incel so he's a fakecel. She is actually really liked that. Men do have an issue seeking professional help, although I'd say good professional help is hard to come by. I have been through it and it does help so I do suggest it where I think it's appropriate. Unfortunately for men a lot of the time anger is the only emotion they feel okay expressing cause they conditioned to shut out the other ones. There does seem to be less positive male only spaces too so that might be an issue. I'm not really sure if those help much. I do agree on the chores although hopefully that's changing with stay at home husbands getting more media attention. I have spoken to some people that some women do still expect men to pay despite both of them earning a paycheck. Again I don't really know, I think we'd need statistics on that. It does feel like men have opportunities but I think a lot of guys feel stuck. I don't think school is as easy for them. A lot of guys like to jump into things and there isn't a lot of that kind of stuff now. I will say I'm one of those guys that picks up on social cues easily and I work a lot with my own feelings and help others with theirs. I just enjoy it and am curious about it. I don't know if you see me as an exception or not. In my experience I have had women react negatively to my sensitivity and ability to read others. Either it's perceived as weakness, cause I don't show aggression unless I need it for defense, or it scares them. I actually had a lady say she was scared of me cause she couldn't hide anything from me cause I picked up on anything she was feeling. Now I have had women who liked it too but then they usually think I'm some sweet angel then I make a dirty joke not even around her but she hears about it and then I'm scorned but I think that's besides my point. On the males playing female characters. Yes there are men who play for the sexual side of those characters but trust me, take it from a gamer, a sensitive guy. men have told me, tough men, that they genuinely like the variety in women's clothing. A lot of games have limited selections for men. It's totally true. That's why some games like FFXIV have made the clothing unisex so anyone can wear them. I do think the lack of expression really hurts men. It wasn't too long ago that men performing or doing art was seen as a low class job. That still affects men. I mean look at Mr. Rogers. he sang songs, did art, taught people, was a good father figure. Yet a reporter had the audacity to ask him if he was gay. Being asked if you were gay in the late 70's, even when I was a kid, was an insult to your masculinity. Then they also had the story that he was a former navy seal that killed tons of people. Him being a good father figure who managed emotions wasn't enough to validate him as a man. Being a good father is not enough to be a man. I think that's a big reason we have so many bad fathers. It's simply not valued. To me, Mr. Rogers was a very strong masculine guy. He wasn't afraid of his feelings, he wasn't afraid of other people's feelings. he was strong too, physically ,he swam a lot. With dating I can't really comment much since I haven't really dated. It does look tough though. I know guys try to be healthier and stuff. I guess it does come down to why do we even have relationships? Marriage is a commodity now it's not a necessity anymore. In the old times it brought communities together now it's just a thing. So I don't think it's just a male problem. In terms of male regression again that's a hard one. I don't know why the modern world seems to repel men. I'm all for modern things but I struggle too. Sometimes I wish I could go on an adventure but adventures just seem hard to come by now. I don't know, I'm rambling XD
Ghost @kuharido btw I agree with what you're saying I'm just trying to talk about it and all. You're right about a lot of stuff. Like I know I can't provide anything but whatever I did in the past was never enough so that hurt me a lot and it's killed my motivation.
Ghost @kuharido I know it's not specifically about me it's just my own experiences going into my thoughts.
Lamby @momoichi 'that giving a direct compliment isn't really a normal social thing from men so in a roundabout way we're giving a compliment that the guy is too good to be an incel so he's a fakecel.' wtf no lol that isnt nice at all. theyr further isolating someone who probably desperately needs a community. gatekeeping is healthy when your doing maintenance on the culture of a community (look at the support for trans rights, its gone down with the left and right because they wont gatekeep against self id morons. feminists also need to make sure to cull nonintersectionals from the movement or we'll never use the 'femnazi' label) but to just oust someone because your envious of them? thats cruel. inceldom already is super malleable a term these days, otherwise there would be no femcels (anyone can have sex, via rape or prostitution or just lowering your standards enough, its relationships that these people actually want, and its relationships they cant get or keep. thats true inceldom). his loneliness is no less valid than anyone elses. thats why men fuckin suck at relationships, you guys can never connect emotionally when you always have barriers up. cant be vulnerable. kek me too. im still currently medless but my anxiety and depression day to day isnt as bad as it use to be, so theres that. an issue i have is you say " There does seem to be less positive male only spaces too " well, there are no real positive spaces for women either, thats just online culture. and women have way less spaces in general than men do online as well. lmao fuck that. my husband is going to do 50/50 of the chores and still work. fuck stay at home husbands, men can work and still do the chores. women are doing more of the chores and still working, men have 0 excuses to not pull their weight. men are taught by society to shit on their asses while their bang mommymaids take care of them. it use to be that they brought home a paycheck so thats ok (though still not ok because you get the weekend off, she never does) but we need to break men out of that mind set. they cant rely on women as much as they do. women have to play therapist, maid, chef, mommy, AND WORK A FULL TIME JOB. no wonder women are happier alone. /rant. as far as iv observed, dutch is the conventional method these days. the man may offer, but its not expect anymore, a woman should never go on a date without her wallet. which is whatever, stuff like that doesnt matter imo, except in the light that women are pulling more of their weight these days then men are. i agree, academia is ironically enough better suited for women. but, i mean again, men built academia. this is their creation. what excuse do men have? lmao,. i hope you werent announcing that you noticed her social cues xD? like announcing 'are you nervous?' or something. im also very socially observant but i use it defensively, watch them, understand whats a safe way to act or say and keep it at that. iv never had anyone call me creepy in that way, i dont think they notice unless you say something. and you gotta keep in mind (assume you dont already know) women have to be on edge around men. especially big dudes like you unfortunately. unfair, i know, but more unfair for women lol. and most women hate dirty jokes because it reminds them that sex is on mens mind constantly and that makes them uncomfortable. women are so hypersexualized that the last thing they want to think about is their own or others bodies. and i can understand over reacting to a joke because of this. idk if this was irl or online, but if its irl thats totally understandable imo. isnt final fantasy one of the games that are horrible for their slutty armor? iv played final fantasy and its worse than wow, the armors the same for men and women but usually fits women in a slutty manner. its japanese after all. iv played online games and watched lets plays for console games, iv never noticed a stark difference? i dont even see why male devs would care about female fashion? and as you said, most armor these days fits both sexes, so again theres no need to play a female character unless you just wanna... enjoy her... men are encouraged to do art when its shit like music, arent they? infact they over represented in animation still. in expressing their minds and imaginations men are not limited, but as far as dance or probably any form of expression that involves the body, sure. pretty niche though. and to be fair, an arts degree is kind of a bad idea and looked down on, for men or women equally. no one wants their kid to get an arts degree, the odds of it paying are just so unstable. sure, but no one looks to men that way anymore. look at clowns like jordan b peterson, a pillar of the red pill and hes crying his eyes out every other day about disney movies. yeah but, and this is hella controversial im sure but ill defend it to the death, homosexuality is just advance misogyny. whats more feminine then taking dick? and why do they always compare being gay to being a woman? why is it that any time a feminine trait shows up in a man hes gay? its just distilled misogyny, a gay man is a man turned female without any of the desirable qualities of being a woman (the sex appeal). thats why no one cares about lesbians, theyr gay too but its ok because they arent threatening (ignoring the men that rape and harass them for not being attracted to them ofcourse, aka another 'useless' women if she cant be a tool for men) to be fair mr rogers day isnt today. today being a good father is harolded as a massive virtue, something to strive for (yet they always drop the ball still). every modern man loves mr.rogers and henson and bob ross. hell, people were obsessed with bob ross. i mean, do you have any misanderistic feelings from this conversation? isnt it mind numbing that men would rather kill themselves than adopt some of the positive traits of women?
Lamby @momoichi marriage is super important, it gives you extra rights in a persons life. tax benefits as well. its also insurance that makes you work on your relationship instead of just ducking when times get tough. its just frustrating that men only have to get a job. and men will never take care of themselves like women do, again we pull the hair from our bodies and smear creams all over our hair and face every day. and then we also need to be educated. and also need to have a full time job. and now your expected to cook and clean more than your partner and be his personal therapist because he was never taught how to deal with his emotions as a child. what do men offer women? nothing. yet we still settle for them regardless. and yet men STILL can not stop complaining. god there would be no men left if they had to walk in womens stilettoed shoes. all the pressures and expectations and social pressures and humiliation and treated as secondary while the other gender is simply the default, and then gaslit into believing that none of this is going on and your just weak? theyd all have killed themselves.
Lamby @momoichi welp that got bleak. apologies. 4 am brain
Ghost @kuharido You misunderstand the 'fakecel' comment I told you it was hard to explain XD. The guys that get called fakecel are still completely accepted. I get called fakecel all the time and I'm still very respected. It's more like a way to interact, to play. Play is a good way to bond. Also saying femcels can have sex anytime is seen as very negative with our community. Same with incels. Cause we want to be valued and be in a relationship. No I did not point any of her social cues. I don't do that cause I know it embarrasses people. She just knew I knew and that just bothered her. Also I did make the dirty joke near her and the dirty joke wasn't sexual I made a joke about a form of execution used in history. It's kind of the reasons I put a pretty stand offish front, like you see in my profile, cause I don't want people to think I'm very nice. I've had people try to 'change' me to not being perverted or be into bloody history but oof I hate that. I wanna be myself. I'm really telling you, guys have told me they enjoy the fashion. I think you're being a bit dismissive about this and you know this is why guys don't talk about it. Like here I am telling you that men have told me in private that they enjoy something they shouldn't(in this case, fashion) and here you are shooting it down. That would hurt them and then they'd repress it. Like what if you had a son and he said he really loved the floral pattern in your dress would you shoot him down? Yes I know women are afraid of me that's why I keep my distance. I know they don't want to be near me I learned that early. Even if they get to know me they find I'm 'nice' but I come with more than that and they don't want any of that. So yes I am very well aware of that. On the part of women having to look out I get that. It's a very scary world we're in, men get scared too, but I do think it's way more scary for women. So yes I totally agree on that. For a man though when it comes to the art and I think women actually run into this too it's hard for them to express themselves in the arts unless they are really good at it. I'm probably talking for myself mostly but atleast that's the vibe I get. Now I personally don't liked Peterson so I don't pay attention to him but I'm sure he's always looking for something to be mad about. Now with gays that's really something I can't agree with. It's not something they choose, they're born that way. A gay man is a man, being associated with women was poor science from the past. No, I am not getting misandrist or misogynistic feelings from this, I think we're all struggling, I think it might show itself in different ways and it's unique but we're all suffering so I want to understand from both sides and from individual sides. Now on the dating, again you know I don't date so I really don't know what's the norm now. When I tried dating I felt the most uncomfortable was being judged, cause I know I was always being sized up. Also too many normies on dating sites XD. With marriage, I agree we all gotta do housework. I'm sure that'll improve though since relationship dynamics are changing. Lamby, do you ever stilettoes? XD
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Jun 22, 23 at 7:54pm
godspell @godspell still surviving?
Lamby @momoichi tooth and claw. hows your day been?
godspell @godspell Meh as usual. I'm going on vacation for almost 3 weeks
Lamby @momoichi aw sweet where too?
godspell @godspell One week to Georgia. Rest is at home. Next week we're closed for 4 days bc our wall getting fixed. It got hit by a car since November
Lamby @momoichi oh where in georgia? lmao got a story on the car incident?
godspell @godspell Tybee island. It's cause flordia passed some very discriminatory laws so we can't go there anymore. It was on Friday. And a car slams into the wall. It caused the door to bend and a lot of tiles broke. It was a teenager driving with her parents. So the mom and teen were crying from it. Bc the insurance will probably reck them. She in drive instead of reverse
Lamby @momoichi what laws did florida pass? damn, its good no one got hurt, but sucks for you guys regardless (and them and their car)
godspell @godspell Yeah insurance and guys to fix it took until now since November to finally give us the time. Flordia passed that you can be fine and jailed for being an illegal. So basically they check you base on color. Also you can now own a gun without a permit
Lamby @momoichi the one to transport an undocumented immigrant? if so, that hasn't been passed, so you shouldnt have to worry about profiling. i mean keep in mind all the cubans and puerto ricans in florida, im sure youd be ok
godspell @godspell Well the thing is it passed in July. Which is our vacation time. And my relatives aren't legal plus my brother girlfriend. So we switch our plans to Georgia
Lamby @momoichi do you know its going to be passed? its only been proposed, idk when the voting for it will be. they arent? is there some process you can go through, that sounds super scary, especially with the chance that dump could be reelected
godspell @godspell My brothers have kept up with it. They say it's been passed but goes into effect in July. That's why the tourist association in Florida only advertising to black communities
Lamby @momoichi it hasn't been voted on yet. heres the statues of the bill https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1718 its just been filed into the chamber. it still has a few more steps til it is (possibly) ratified.
godspell @godspell Yeah? Well thats good. I guess my brother who are news junkies got it wrong
godspell @godspell In lighter news did you see smosh got back together
Lamby @momoichi yeah, fingers crossed that shit is slammed down. im pretty sure states have been pretty good with slappin these kind of legislation down these days. kek i was never into smosh as a kid, is it a good or bad thing?
godspell @godspell Yeah. Bc remember they sold the company to defy. They went bankrupt without telling anyone. Good mythical bought the company. But Anthony left and he barely talked to Ian for years until recently. They re fired the friend ship and realized they can do it. So they bought smosh back
godspell @godspell Bc Anthony super successful on YouTube on his own with 7 million subscribers
Lamby @momoichi you say remember but i didnt know to begin with xD i kinda remember the defy scandal though, a lot of people were jiffed out of a lot of money right? i mean everyone loved them so im sure theyll come back with a crash so long as theyr with the times. poods only lasted as long as he did cause he shifted with the culture.
godspell @godspell Well yeah but it was such a big deal a YouTube channel bought from a company. Well the channel hasn't done well. But bc Anthony and Ian own the channel again. They can make skits again that are supported by fans buying memberships. Like you have no idea how happy I am. Bc Ian been so monotone and depressed. But hes so happy now
Lamby @momoichi aw thats good. they put a video out yet?
godspell @godspell Yeah an announcement. Then 2 videos on the second channel. And an hour interview of Ian on Anthony Channel. Bc Anthony whole Channel doing interviews with ppl
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Jun 22, 23 at 2:58am
Lamby @momoichi i wanna set up a tent and cozy fire and go camping in his chest hair
Ghost @kuharido He'll teach you Sambo moves.
Lamby @momoichi id be happy just sittin back and sippin a drink as i watched him movie, but if he wants to swing me around who am i to refuse =w=
Ghost @kuharido Imagine a hug from him
Lamby @momoichi getting lifted up in the most engulfing bearhug you've ever gotten and in a swift motion your being swung through the air and resting on his shoulder and he treats you like a pet parrot and feeds you crackers and pets you
Ghost @kuharido *taking notes of your kinks*
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Jun 20, 23 at 10:06pm
Thoughts on guardians 3?
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Jun 20, 23 at 8:29pm
Lamby @momoichi i...i was expecting this to be cute... you ever hear the audio from the hole that leads to hell? this is that for me ;-; spooky
Ghost @kuharido It is cute
Lamby @momoichi its so deep and rumbly but also has these high notes at the end like something dying ;w;
Ghost @kuharido I wanna snuggle them
Lamby @momoichi would you cuddle two tigers or five pallas????
Ghost @kuharido Both, either one then the other or all at the same time.
Ghost @kuharido Weren't those Hell sounds fake?
Lamby @momoichi yeah, it was audio taken from some old movie
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Jun 20, 23 at 7:43pm
you watch spider-verse yet
Lamby @momoichi no but this weekend im plannin on jumpin in. that spiderman villain looks hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot and also i heard good things. that its even better than the first one
godspell @godspell Lol Yeah you saw the first movie right? It's spider-man 2099. So many people say he's super hot and swoon from his Spanish
Lamby @momoichi i thought the first movie was really good, i think it was yms who said he liked the newest one better? forget who i watched. spanish is the sexiest language, french can get fucked
godspell @godspell Yeah youll like it. It's very different than any Super hero movie. It ups the bar for other hero movies. I can only say good movie bc my experience was ruined from kids in the front row being dumb and getting kicked out
Lamby @momoichi sounds very promising. aw you saw it in theaters?? niiiiice, animation should always be appreciated on the big screen
godspell @godspell Yeah. But my experience was ruined bc I was so mad
Lamby @momoichi oohh yeah yeah. what day did you see it? in my experience the best time to see a movie is wednesday early afternoon or the latest showing
godspell @godspell Monday at 6. Bc it was the only showing after my brother shift at school
Lamby @momoichi yeah the after school showings are the worst. long shot i know, but you see beau is afraid?
godspell @godspell Well remember it's summer break now. Who's beau
Lamby @momoichi oohh true. D: its aria astars newest movie. he did hereditary and midsommar. if you ever get the chance give it a try, its an absolute trip and really fun to think about afterwards
Lamby @momoichi ari not aria fug**
godspell @godspell I've seen those both. But never saw Beau. Did you watch bones and all
godspell @godspell what did you think of Mario movie
Lamby @momoichi 100% recommend beau is afraid if you liked midsommar. ari seems to have some family issues, and i hope he (and those around him) are safe. didnt we talk about bones and all? it was... good at parts and.... in other parts... like, it started out INSANELY STRONG her biting the finger and running and her father knowing what she is. the old dude and his hair. all great. but idk, as the movie went on it was... unexplainably weird in certain situations. like i was laughing far more than i should have been. im sure the book was better.
Lamby @momoichi didnt see the mario movie. never played the games and have no attachment to the franchise. from what i heard it was mid so i dont plan to see it
godspell @godspell You would honestly like it. Even though it has no plot or proper sub plots. Bones and all is good. The filmography incredible. The actors are Great. This movie basically anyone under the gay spectrum finding others like them. They feel alienated and different from everyone else. Th
Lamby @momoichi but i reaallyy love plot. im a huge pixar simp but ill call out when their movies have shit plots (COUGH COUGH ELEMENTS COUGH COUGH) oh yeah it was a beautiful movie, but kinda felt empty. like i like when things happen and mean shit, her finding her mother didnt add anything that i remember, just to show that she ate her fingers. and we dont learn what they are, and the whole road trip was for, what? and the ethical eating was also underplayed, like there was no struggle of what is ethical eating or them having internal issues over it. it was a rather cut and dry film i think.
Lamby @momoichi also what was that reach around scene about? why? what? it just happens and they move on?? no questions asked? not one?? please???
godspell @godspell Elementals is good though. It's a immigrant family tale. Well yeah or you could take her eating her fingers as a form of disgust in accepting who she is
godspell @godspell For bones and all you gotta take it on sexuality. Like sulley the old guy. He's been alone for so long and finding no partner as a cannibal. So he tries to force himself
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Jun 20, 23 at 7:29pm
Ghost @kuharido how you been?
Lamby @momoichi alrighties, how have things been for you?
Ghost @kuharido Pretty good, nothing particularly new but good overall I'd say.
Ghost @kuharido did you see the things I tagged you in? I wanna see your reactions. (`∀´)Ψ
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for Lamby
Jun 20, 23 at 7:20pm
welcome back!!! fyi the mo dating sim is in progess
Lamby @momoichi holy, thats still goin on? hows it comin?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio like i left it die after irl stuff but after i returned to mo and ghostie still had the test imm redoing everything, rn in two dyas id id more rpogress than in months lmao, im almost finished with the love targets (females) art , will cotninue with the females NPCs and leave the dudes last (still looking a good maker) but the general ide aof the routes and cameos done.it should be finished before sumemr
Lamby @momoichi are there any bad endings planned?
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio YES currently 4 and 2 secret endings (you are one of the secret ones)
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio oh if by bad endings you mean the love target reejcts you, yes
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio the other ones are surprise endings
Lamby @momoichi you put a lot of work into this :O!!!