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29 year old Female
Last online 7ヶ月 ago
fredericksburg , VA
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Jun 20, 23 at 7:19pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Jun 18, 23 at 11:30pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
May 20, 23 at 5:57pm
Lamby @momoichi they hated her for she spoke the truth
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
May 15, 23 at 9:57pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
May 14, 23 at 8:17pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lamby
Apr 16, 23 at 11:57am
Lamby @momoichi bbrrroooo i watched her shit a few months ago. addictive.
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Apr 15, 23 at 11:19am
Lamby @momoichi afternoon
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Apr 14, 23 at 8:47pm
This is what crime alley is
godspell @godspell They were killed at the corner of the street. Under a street light
Lamby @momoichi damn the narration is great.
Lamby @momoichi ok, ill concede, if in the main canon they were robbed in a normal ass street than im wrong, they probz didnt have too much to fear. but the issue with current canon stands, as every iteration iv ever seen shows a seedy alleyway
godspell @godspell I love the 80s-90s. But I don't blame you all cinematic keeps showing a random alley for some odd reason
Lamby @momoichi for the drama and tension, but they throw out the autonomy of their characters by doing that. then shitters like me can be like 'WHY WOULD HE EVEN GO DOWN THERE?!' when in reality it was originally a normal neighborhood
godspell @godspell That went to shit after their deaths. No one wanted to work on it. Then Bruce was raised by an old lady that runs a free clinic in crime alley. She was very nice
godspell @godspell Man I like how I always listen to this guy giving great reads for comic villains
Life has been like a rollerc9aster but it's getting calmer and better How's life treating you :3
Lamby @momoichi aw thats good :3 same kinda, though i hope im on the final rise of the coaster before i can step off ;w;
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21 We can step off together daughter fu and hold hands
godspell @godspell left a comment for Lamby
Apr 13, 23 at 11:55pm
But DC needs a W. And Marvel needs to be better in movies. Like Marvel doesn't get me excited for their movies anymore. They're not good. I honestly blame covid tbh. The rescheduling for movies really fucked things up requiring them to do reshoots since movies were out of order
Lamby @momoichi kek true. what good dc movie has come out that wasnt batman related? and iv heard that a lot recently from marvel fans. i saw antman in theaters (not willingly) and kang was SUCH A KOOL SUPER VILLAIN HOLY SHIT AND HIS ACTOR WAS REALLY GOOD but like, omg everything else and what they did with that villain should be illegal.
Lamby @momoichi also, the entire plot was a rick and morty episode (the teenyverse ep) and kang's just the citadel of ricks
godspell @godspell Yeah but kang did that first in the 60s btw before rick and morty did btw. Kang writing wasn't great im gonna be honest. The writers suck. But Majors is an amazing actor that honestly outshines everyone except Michelle who plays Janet (aka catwoman from batman returns). Loki had better writing for that actor for like 8 minutes of screen time
godspell @godspell If you didn't notice btw in the movie you can tell what we're the reshoots of the movie. I can tell what parts were added in and kept. Making it feel two different movies
godspell @godspell The end credit was very cringy btw. Where they probably told him to do different poses. Not great. I'm still impress he can give all his personas different characteristics.
godspell @godspell Fuck. I also forgot to say. Technically they keep killing the good guy. In loki he's a kang called he who remains. Because he would be the last person in the universe to live. He survive the multiversal wars. He had to because all kangs seek more power and world's to conquer. But if you kill a person from another universe it causes that universe to crash into another universe causing the loser universe to die
godspell @godspell In loki that kang what he does is created a time police keeping a single branch linear in time to prevent anything branching out his death causes all the versions of him to finally appear
Lamby @momoichi i dont think wer gonna see kang again though did marvel offically drop him after he knocked that old lady out? and are you talking about the film theory vid on antman, that it was ment for a diff point in time?
godspell @godspell I believe the way they approach kang was different. Oh I didn't bother to watch film theory. Yeah we should because his gf was saying she was getting beat. But his lawyer has already gone on record that camera surveillance and key witnesses say he didn't do anything
Lamby @momoichi just gotta see how it ends up. i hope no one got hurt, and id actually wanna watch the next movie hes in. how were they gonna do kang? my biggest issue was how he was defeated (ants? really? giant fucking ants?) and why didnt he just grab the lady, she had to have had the particles on her, and even if she didnt he didnt even try and find out
godspell @godspell There's honestly no way to beat kang. If you kill him the future or past version can come back and replace the one who died. But I believe kang didn't die he fused with the time stream to become time itself. The lady wouldn't have the particles anymore since she was all out. She used it all up going subatomic or trying to survive in the quantum realm
Lamby @momoichi but when they met kang he was in a vulnerable issue, just outsmart him if you cant outfight him. especially when wer working with sciences that they know best. shrink him further or something usinf the particle in his chair. if he learned about the particle via the woman, let her learn about the chair via him. just, better ending than fuckin ants, thats all im saying
Lamby @momoichi and again, he didnt know she was out. the issue is he never tried to check.
godspell @godspell I hate the ants then. I wanted antman to win using time. That's literally now one of his fucking abilities like wtf marvel writers
Lamby @momoichi yeah and the whole 'I TRUSTED YOU KAAANG' like kek why thats your problem if you trusted the dude that only ever showed you hes a shitty dude lol
godspell @godspell That's the thing that's different!! I think they set him up to be Antman friend and betray him. I think he was suppose to offer him the deal not Janet to go back in time
Lamby @momoichi yeah thats what matpat said, that they would first side with kang while the other group hated him, and only found out he tricked them the same way he tricked the lady later on.that would have been an alright ending/twist
godspell @godspell Yeah but it was suppose to be repairing his relationship with his daughter and her approach to life. But again this movie shit. They made a 3rd movie with no heists after 2 heist movies of antman in this. Kang like I hear you're a thief. I need a thief. He didn't steal shit
Lamby @momoichi kangs lore is hes a thief?
Lamby @momoichi oh shit, how do you feel about them making modok into a punchline? it was funny, but i feel like that protrayal would be offensive to any true marvel fan.
godspell @godspell That's fine. Modok is suppose to be ridiculous and silly. However he's a real threat. Loki level threat so I was pissed when he died
godspell @godspell No remember. When he's talking to Scott on how he's a thief. I'm like what does that have to do with anything
Lamby @momoichi modok was silly in the comics? but yeah the dude was designed for killing and kills like six redshirts kek plus how do they even bring him back now? feels like they used him to lose him
Lamby @momoichi ah i dont remember.
godspell @godspell I feel like they did it because we were begging for him to be in Marvel. Even more so when we heard the group AIM which is run by modok. So its very much a shame bc he creates villains and heroes from his inventions
Lamby @momoichi yeah thats kinda the problem, that is modok. he is a pathetic punchline that is killed off. there goes modok. thats his start and end. i guess maybe they could ress him and be like 'how that hes a zambee hes super serious now' but like, if kang couldnt make him super powerful, what could? as well as the fact that hes contained to the antman universe, which is insanely limited
Lamby @momoichi i shit on marvel shit, but i will say the jokes in antman landed more often than not, so props for that
godspell @godspell He had limitations. Kang wasn't even in full strength. Because if he had full control of time as usual he had every weaponry he normally uses. All the minions he can summon from all times or universes