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godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell

So it's still hard to do. But my mom really needed to add to the void she has from Tobey. So she searched for almost 2 months for a black pom. And here is driving 3 hrs to get him.

Bye @metalarmwitch
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Bye @metalarmwitch
Just sharing a good Halloween animation with you. ; )
Have a good weekend GodSpell.

Bye @metalarmwitch
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Bye @metalarmwitch
I hope you're well, and that your Halloween was good one. : )

godspell @godspell Thank you unfortunately my mom cancelled Halloween for us. It's her birthday on that day and she didn't feel like celebrating after losing Tobey
Manga recommendations

godspell @godspell
commented on
Manga recommendations
godspell @godspell
I would like it to be a movie to be honest
Manga recommendations

godspell @godspell
commented on
Manga recommendations
godspell @godspell
@sylvin yeah it's quite enjoyable to read currently. Easily rereadable and likeable characters.