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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Hey holmes, I hope you are still doing well, wherever you are currently!

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
the red shirt you have matches well!!

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
omg you would make a perfect wreck-it ralph cosplay *^*
post sexy pics of yourself

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
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post sexy pics of yourself
mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
I'd agree, although your face is the most appealing part of the photo ;)

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
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mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
As a forth gen lover, my favorite is Infernape and it’s pre evolutions, I am naturally a fire type trainer, and infernape just hits every single YES!!!! Checkbox for me, I’m also a competitive breeder and have bred multiple Infernape over the years so whenever s new Pokémon game releases, I have a chimchar to trade right into my party with the egg moves heat wave and thunder punch, so when Infernape rolls around it also knows blast burn and close combat.