mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
yeah, as for VA school, funimation offers one every summer, and yes, I've seen the recent chapters

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Didn't you want to go to school for Voice Acting? Also have you seen the latest chapters from the One Piece manga? Them are some sad chapters T.T

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Thanks for the good vibes bro. Seeing as how I'm up at 6am, I guess they're doing their job lol. I finally graduated from University. Hope things are well on your end as well.

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
Anyone here who reads "the rising of the shield hero" excited about what will happen in the next episode or at the begining of the one after it?

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
seriously, no one deserves to be alone, even scum need someone or they are just trying to fool themselves

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan

I felt that this should be aware to more people and not a blocked comment
And these are the only ones sent as of now

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
well life is just a cluster of good and bad right now, but the only thing we can do is roll with it

crystaldragon @crystaldragon
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crystaldragon @crystaldragon
Guess this one! It's one of my favorites. :D
"The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long."

Otakus unite @otakusunite
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Otakus unite @otakusunite

Thank you for the request^^

mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
mnky_d_logan @mnky_d_logan
Life is even more confusing now, apparently I read the signals wrong and was doing great but she didn't want to let me down
im not going to question it, maybe things are just meant to happen, and it seems like we are back together