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Koharu @koharuyoshikuni
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Koharu @koharuyoshikuni
uwu hi

TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian
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TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian
(Crouched down into a foxhole) it’s like nam all over again

Lolicuteness @rini915
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Lolicuteness @rini915
That's true ^^ I do have lots of time at night to watch anime but I'm just lazy when it comes to getting my eyes in front of the computer to watch them XD
Scary stories thread

milkshakeboy @milkshakeboy
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Scary stories thread
milkshakeboy @milkshakeboy
omg i woulda snuck him
Minasan konnichiwa

milkshakeboy @milkshakeboy
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Minasan konnichiwa
milkshakeboy @milkshakeboy
i will enjoy my stay!!!! u can count on that hehehe