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WackyWilly @wackywilly
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WackyWilly @wackywilly
You're a bean

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
This account has been suspended.

Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.

Whisp @whispywoods It is ;)

Baka @reinhardt76 (´-ω-`)
Describe Your Personality In 4 Words

Koharu @koharuyoshikuni
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Describe Your Personality In 4 Words
Koharu @koharuyoshikuni
Ambivert, Bubbly, Friendly, and Childlike
What is the 1st anime you watched that turned you into an Otaku??

Koharu @koharuyoshikuni
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What is the 1st anime you watched that turned you into an Otaku??
Koharu @koharuyoshikuni
Hellos~! My name is Koharu, I'm 19 and the anime that made me the otaku that I am is Shugo Chara ^//^