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gone @btighe
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gone @btighe
what's up im just a extangable entity, noticed you liked boku no hero, and my alternate selves really enjoyed it.
Makes me think back to when high school was a normal thing for superpeoples.
Plenty of talking time, glad to sponge in your information ;).

Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
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Moonshepherd @moonshepherd
Moon people unite! :3

haloman6221 @haloman6221
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haloman6221 @haloman6221
whats your favorite anime
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?

lovelymoon3918 @lovelymoon3918
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Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
lovelymoon3918 @lovelymoon3918
I think there should at least be some degree of interest in it for anything to work. (In my opinion) I’ve tried to date people who weren’t and it never really worked out. Anime is a HUGE part of my life and I believe it’s important to be able to share who you are with said person. As far as meeting them, this is the first time I’ve joined an anime site, so I’m hoping here. Lol