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Travisemo007 @travisemo007
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Travisemo007 @travisemo007
HOLY shit.. last online 5 Years ago...xo makes me feel old lol, im wondering how we even became friends, i dont remember being on this site that long xD.., shitttt >< that blows my mind.

johndward01 @johndward01
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johndward01 @johndward01
You ever been to Acen in Rosemont? Its quite the party. Perhaps you want to cosplay as something? Which character would you choose?

JayKuroSeizen @jaykuroseizen
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JayKuroSeizen @jaykuroseizen

Lanininja @lanininja
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Lanininja @lanininja
Well it's okay if you can't talk to people. I'm sure your social skills with people will blossom even if it takes talking with people online as the first step towards it. I was sort of the same way. And than I managed to gain friends that were both online and in the RL so don't worry you'll make friends :3

Lanininja @lanininja
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Lanininja @lanininja
I'm 5'1 I would date a guy about my height or taller and if he's shorter than he better be only like 2 inches shorter that's my limit~