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not active @emithedoll
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not active @emithedoll
Yes!!!!!!!!! * ^ *

not active @emithedoll
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not active @emithedoll
I feel like writing poetry outside is rather fresh, I like to breathe the clean air and listen to the sound of wind blowing the leaves of trees, and the birds calling ; o ;

miirochin @miirochin
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miirochin @miirochin
Do you prefer a particular hair color?

king_caleb @king_caleb
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Do you prefer a particular hair color?
king_caleb @king_caleb
I enjoy when people just wear there natural hair color
Fake friends -.-

king_caleb @king_caleb
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Fake friends -.-
king_caleb @king_caleb
most people are fake friends your real friends are the ones you cant stand most of my friends think completley differently im scary mountain man and my friends are frat boys ewwww