Fake friends -.-

xxoxzone @queenanise
Fake friends -.-
xxoxzone @queenanise
This account has been suspended.

chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
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Fake friends -.-
chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
http://data.whicdn.com/images/13578056/tumblr_loe88pt2Uw1qdlwmro1_500_large.gif people are retarded and childish all the time I feel ya '

B. @verflucht
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Fake friends -.-
B. @verflucht
To be honest, when I was younger, I had a lot people I thought that were my friends, I was wrong, they teased me and made fun of, so I black listed them :P

xxoxzone @queenanise
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Fake friends -.-
xxoxzone @queenanise
This account has been suspended.

Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
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Fake friends -.-
Cats&Anime @catsandanime11
I've been through something like this before lol, they think that they're hurting your feelings when honestly you really don't care lol, it's kinda funny XD

B. @verflucht
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Fake friends -.-
B. @verflucht
Can I be one of your friends CreepyDoll? :D I will provide good friendship :D

xxoxzone @queenanise
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Fake friends -.-
xxoxzone @queenanise
This account has been suspended.

B. @verflucht
commented on
Fake friends -.-
B. @verflucht
Woohoo, we are cool friends :D more friends = more adventures!

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Fake friends -.-
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
.....i kinda warned you about him before you spoke to him. That guy doesnt have any friends everyone is seen as entertainment to him if you dont do what he wants he will probably just drop you. The kind of person he is

cabbage @donnierye
commented on
Fake friends -.-
cabbage @donnierye
that's the kind of person I am too.
you better watch out, punks.
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