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Animelina @animelina
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Animelina @animelina
Hii thnx for adding!

Nethlight @nethlight
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Nethlight @nethlight
Holy Christ!! The Angel has landed! Love your photos! Hope the guys aren't bugging you too much? lol -Says jokingly.-

Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
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Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
Hey thank you for the add! Lets be friends! How's it going?
How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?

kasarose @kasarose
commented on
How old or young do you go when looking for a relationship?
kasarose @kasarose
Personally, since I feel I have an overall older mindset, I usually won't date anyone younger or even the same age as me((unless they're actually mature and/or have same mindset as me which is rare)). So usually I'll go for the range of like 19-23 yr range about~