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kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
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kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
I also agree with you becca I also believe there should be more shizuo scenes.
characters that are like you

kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
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characters that are like you
kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
I remind my self of shizuo heiwajima from durarara, because when I am angry I lose my sense of reason and my train of thought is focused on the single person making me angry, but what I wished most for is to handle my anger more effectively and less violently. Then when I am calm I am mostly care free and friendly, also I can be very helpful to others. I also go out of my way to protect those close to me like how shizuo helps celty and mikado in the show.