
kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
So who else likes this show?

kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
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kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
I enjoy watching the episodes over again every-once and a while and enjoy watching the characters go through their struggles: like shizuo fighting izaya, and celty try to find her head, and mikado try to run the dollars. I also like to see characters inter-act with each other as their lives continue.

ロイ @wallace614
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ロイ @wallace614
I know the anime is dope but the light novel is even better and manga bit better than anime

becca @becca1124
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becca @becca1124
In my opinion there should be more scenes with shizuo in it. That was the only problem I had about the anime he's my favorite. I also agree I enjoyed the manga better but still love the show.

kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
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kairujenkinsu @kairujenkinsu
I also agree with you becca I also believe there should be more shizuo scenes.

xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
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xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
I like it a lot. It has a very interesting plot line. I haven't watched the anime but I have read the manga. I felt bad for Celty who has spent years looking for her head only to discover it was that close to her all along and then was still not able to get it back.

ロイ @wallace614
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ロイ @wallace614
Yes that got to suck

Shanks @shanks
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Shanks @shanks
Maaan I loved Celty and Izaya even though he was a shithead.

ロイ @wallace614
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ロイ @wallace614
Haha izaya is the greatest in the anime without him the story wouldn't be the same

Shanks @shanks
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Shanks @shanks
Yeah man, I love it when he pisses Shizuo off and all you hear is "IZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYA" and then random vending machines flying across town. He was such a damn shit disturber.
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