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kbushnell18 @kbushnell18
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kbushnell18 @kbushnell18
Juvia's one my favorite fairy tail characters. Your beauty certainly lives up to her name

strawhat711 @strawhat711
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strawhat711 @strawhat711
AHH!! A person who likes final fantasy 9? XD m'kay you're officially awesome :)

pokedex900 @pokedex900
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pokedex900 @pokedex900
Hey my name is Collin just letting people know that if they want to text me my number is 330 235 2044
Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?

juvialoxxxar @juvialoxxxar
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Favorite Anime Openings/Endings?
juvialoxxxar @juvialoxxxar
first code geass opening~!
Best Anime Story

juvialoxxxar @juvialoxxxar
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Best Anime Story
juvialoxxxar @juvialoxxxar
Mirai Nikki's story kept me interested every second of every episode. The concept of it is just so genius, I can't even put it in words.