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konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan

joflo23 @joflo23
joflo23 @joflo23
I never realized how great of a show Chobits is. So funny and yet has a romantic twist to it. I love stories like that
Kingdom Hearts

joflo23 @joflo23
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Kingdom Hearts
joflo23 @joflo23
I've personally played KH 1 and 2, and chain of memories. But I didn't play any of the other games, however, game trailers has about an hour long video explaining everything in the storyline of kingdom hearts leading up to kh3, I highly suggest watching it :)It's called Timeline: Kingdom Hearts
Anime Crush?

joflo23 @joflo23
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Anime Crush?
joflo23 @joflo23
Takashi from Bokura Ga Ita for me, because she's really that kind of girl that I would love to find in this world :)