Kingdom Hearts

Sephiroth @sephiroth
Kingdom Hearts
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Which ones have you played so far? I wish they'd stick to consoles, because I don't want to buy more mobile game systems when I have a laptop and my phone can emulate GBA. XD

havoc81 @havoc81
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Kingdom Hearts
havoc81 @havoc81
Played 1 and 2, have chain of memories but haven't played it. I don't mind handhelds but with the amount of licenses Disney and square own now we should see only console releases for awhile (I hope).

Animefan8451 @animefan8451
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Kingdom Hearts
Animefan8451 @animefan8451
All of them, except for KHFM 1&2 (and I have played BBS FM because of the PSP being region free.)

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
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Kingdom Hearts
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
I've played all of them except any remakes/revamps. I still like the very first Kingdom Hearts the most by far but I am impressed in how much the series has grown thus far. That being said... There have been only two main console games, 1&2. I hope in the next installment to this series you can play as more than just Sora.

Konoha's Shadow @frozentruth
commented on
Kingdom Hearts
Konoha's Shadow @frozentruth
All of them i'm pretty sure
And ready for kingdom hearts 3

drmario @drmario
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Kingdom Hearts
drmario @drmario
I've only played 1 and 2, and not until relatively recently. I plan to play the other ones sometime, but I'm more interested in the upcoming 3rd console one.

Manny @manny97
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Kingdom Hearts
Manny @manny97
1 and 2, played chain of memories first 3 bosses then gave up since not really into the whole card gaming, any other games like KH that are rpg and have and open world environment, would like to know, dont really like the final finatsy gameplay (you hit, i hit) but a good story line at that

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Kingdom Hearts
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Emulation? For shame. *finger wag*

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
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Kingdom Hearts
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
I've played KH 1 and 2 and none of the handhelds or other games related to it. I was really hoping the prequel would be on the console instead of the DS.

joflo23 @joflo23
commented on
Kingdom Hearts
joflo23 @joflo23
I've personally played KH 1 and 2, and chain of memories. But I didn't play any of the other games, however, game trailers has about an hour long video explaining everything in the storyline of kingdom hearts leading up to kh3, I highly suggest watching it :)It's called Timeline: Kingdom Hearts
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