godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell

Never a day ill ever forget that smile of his. And how contagious it was and is

godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell
I'm so afraid he may have thought like his previous owners who abandoned him. That we put him down because we didn't want to take care of him anymore that he was a burden. That was so far from the truth. He could have been saved with more medicine to flush out fluid in his lungs. But he was never gonna be the same anymore. He wasn't gonna be happy no more. I just hope he knows we did what was best. Even though it kills me inside still

sakurakiss @sakurakiss I have a feeling he knows he was loved very much and knows you only did what was best for him.

godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell

Last picture of tobey yesterday 11/07. At Walmart

godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell

godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell
He did everything a dog couldn't do. He traveled to multiple states. Met so many people who loved him. Even went to Mexico twice. He visited the ocean and walked along the beach. He went to so many places that never allowed dogs. But he was special that he was allowed.

godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell
He had an amazing short 5 years with us. We found him at the beginning of covid. We reached out to him and he approached us the rest was history. We did all we could for him. No expense was an issue. I wish we could have had more time we had with him. Fuck who had him before abandoning him. Leaving him with a broken back. Bad heart and collapsed trachea

godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell
He was my brother and best friend. He was everything I'd want in a friend. He was there for me. He gave me a reason to get up in the morning. Sure no one wants to wake up at 7 am. But he had me ready to go the park with him and get breakfast together. He ate chicken broth. I don't know what I'll do without him.

godspell @godspell
godspell @godspell
I just lost my best friend today. My pomeranian tobey. I had the rough decision to put him down with the family. He always had heart problems with a heart murmur we worked so hard to keep it in check. Then his disk slipped and he had battled pneumonia and best it. But it overworked his heart to have fluid in the lungs. He just couldn't do it anymore

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
long timey no talky, hows things? saw you said you were goin to cananada?

Argent @argent4
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Argent @argent4
Hi! I'm at chapter 130 or so, at Peace Land arc, so there's still a lot more to read but it has been really interesting so far.

godspell @godspell I'm at chapter 183 rn