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jessie @nicechan
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jessie @nicechan
it's great!~ been busy with stuffs the past couple days, though :3

eberlins @eberlins
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eberlins @eberlins
Thanks! I like your profile image. :D

jessie @nicechan
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jessie @nicechan
haisaii~ :3
Who loves Fooly Cooly?

Ghosthobo13 @ghosthobo13
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Who loves Fooly Cooly?
Ghosthobo13 @ghosthobo13
I love fooly cooly so much, I never get tired of watching it.
Your First....Anime, of course!

Ghosthobo13 @ghosthobo13
commented on
Your First....Anime, of course!
Ghosthobo13 @ghosthobo13
Me too, I started with pokemon and dragon ball z, and pretty much every thing on toonami.