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33 year old Male
Single, Straight
約4時間 ago
If they have a buy 2 sale, could you send one my way? That's the story of our lives ain't it, haha!
I want these shirts ;-;
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 18, 24 at 9:16pm
Man I'm dying after this https://youtu.be/7p05BP1AlWk?si=47kaVH09Skltl3xA Lmao
Gabriel @gabriel_true Many new decks are using some form of "crash into your opponent to inflict burn damage" strategies. There is even a whole ritual summon deck as well that is built upon that premise. Another strategy people will use is to summon a Kaiju monster on your side of the field and then attack into it multiple times to kill you in a matter similar to this video.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 That's pretty interesting strategy wise but I guess you just gotta work with what you're against.
Gabriel @gabriel_true A counter to that strategy is using the trap card Impermanence to negate the effect or you can play any card that bounces the monster back into the hand. So this strategy only works if your opponent doesn't have a side deck to exchange strategies. Sadly Master Duel is always BEST OF ONE, meaning your deck is always weak to something and the best anyone can do is build around the current meta.
Yuka King @yukachan left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 18, 24 at 2:48pm
Ooo I had that yesterday.
Gabriel @gabriel_true So you confess that you were the mastermind behind the Genshin x McDonald's crossover! I knew it! The nugs, they do not lie, heh.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 18, 24 at 9:46am
I tried it like 3 times in the same day and it was the last day I had to take the test. I almost had it one time apprentrly but I ended up turning the wrong way. The angles are weird to me man
Gabriel @gabriel_true Would you be mad if I told you in Virginia we don't test Alleyway Backing or Parallel anymore. You only have to Straight Back and Offset with bumper placement. Then you pass, haha!
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Honestly no, from what I heard it's random on state test in Georgia. So you could do any of those randomly selected unless they changed it, sadly it's mandated with the school test here
Gabriel @gabriel_true I believe North Carolina does the same. But yeah apparently Virginia has watered down the test to be as easy to pass as reasonably possible.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I'm jealous lol, I over slept today and missed the aptitude test for Electrician union. I'm retaking the class on Oct 10th, I am tempted to do the company sponsored training
Gabriel @gabriel_true I know someone else personally that started as an electrician when they had absolutely no other trade skills and it was what laid the foundation for a successful career in engineering. I'm glad that despite the setback you've given yourself other avenues to succeed! Keep at it. I genuinely am confident you're gonna find a path that works out!
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 That's awesome actually! I got a few interviews for Firefightering as well, I'm just gonna keep going after something, thank you for believing in me though
Gabriel @gabriel_true Whatever you end up doing in life remember to do it well.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 16, 24 at 9:03pm
I failed lmaoo x( I did everything great until the alley dock which I barely had any experience
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I'm so mad at that
Gabriel @gabriel_true I am sincerely sorry that you didn't make it. How was the other parts of the test like offset backing?
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I actually did really great on everything, had a lil trouble at blindsided parallel parking and offset but fixed it both.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 15, 24 at 5:54pm
https://youtu.be/-e11wcNO_CU?si=pUZ15OyCGqRAtceI Reminds me of the KFC donut sandwich
Gabriel @gabriel_true If only they brought that back. It was delicious!
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I'm tempted to try it at home, at least with a better piece of chicken
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 13, 24 at 7:21pm
https://youtu.be/wQyVbwvrMNo?si=2xCn_W2A68p4_Bdd Been enjoying Yu-Gi-Oh videos lately mostly for edits.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Do you build any decks yourself? I have several including a casual Vampire deck as well as Darklords, Floowandereeze, and Amazement.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I don't , I feel like it would be kinda confusing keeping track of all that information. Do you go to any tournaments or play the games?
Gabriel @gabriel_true Last game I played was Master Duel. That however uses the Original Card Game (OCG) ban list for Japan and Korea. Why that's an issue is the North American and European Trading Card Game (TCG) has a stricter list that hits cards that have the ability to consistently win games within the first turn. So essentially the Japanese are of the mind auto win conditions should be normalized as where North America tries to slow the game back to a reasonable pace inviting more experimental styles of play vs. "Boom! Every deck is just Exodia. OBLITERATE!"
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Is that the PC version? Idk if the NA version is slower compared to Japan nowadays but I've never been in the tournaments
Gabriel @gabriel_true You can play Master Duel on computer or console. OCG is notoriously fast and averages about 2 turns to defeat an opponent. TCG you can usually go a few more turns in before its checkmate!
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I'm tempted to rewatch the original series.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Honestly that's the only version of Yu-Gi-Oh that matters. I only partially watched GX and couldn't be bothered to see the other spinoffs.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 That's fair but the other spin offs actually made me enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh series again since it was kinda different. Can't say I'll try the kid version though
Gabriel @gabriel_true I don't even know which version you're referring too, but I'd probably agree.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I feel like almost every Yu-Gi-Oh spin off brought something new and exciting. GX was about youth and fusions I think, 5Ds was about betrayal and rebellion I think? Zexal was about finding your own way and going Super Saiyan with a alien companion, Arc V tried to do the Multi verse thing and failed terribly and Vrains was about revenge and being too cold and calculated leading to isolation. After that looks like the art and writing took a nose dive with Yu-Gi-Oh Seven and Go Rush looking like baby shows. Did anyone actually enjoy the dice part of Yu-Gi-Oh Monsters or do we pretend that doesn't exist too XD
Gabriel @gabriel_true Dungeon Dice Monsters was an actual board game for a very brief stint back in the mid 2000's.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Oh nice lol, I can't tell if that's more BS luck then Dual Monsters
Gabriel @gabriel_true The card game itself is no longer luck based with most meta decks simply allowing you to search for the exact cards to combo into rather than draw and get lucky like the original version of the game used to be.
Sep 11, 24 at 11:33pm
My father is doing okay, his Blood pressure is kinda low. I've been kinda meh as of late tbh. Been struggling
Gabriel @gabriel_true I'll continue offering prayers that your struggles may not continue to burden. It's good to know that despite his low pressure he is still among us. Hopefully that'll continue to be the case. Please be well yourself and God bless, Dagger.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 11, 24 at 9:37pm
Kinda sick at the moment, just not feeling great about anything, how about you? Thanks for asking
Gabriel @gabriel_true What did you catch? I'm doing well all things considered. Learned there had been a shootout near my parents' house, but they were not injured, Lord be praised! Still I hope your not going to be feeling miserable for much longer. You've stated life was throwing constant challenges in your path.
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 It could be the rona or a seasonal flu, I haven't tested for either but I've had very bad fatigue this week, no energy, everything's sore and it was hard to even stay hydrated. This morning I woke up with a migraine and nauseous, Oh God I'm sorry their was a shootout but I'm glad their safe. Thank you, if I fail tomorrow, I have to consider if I want to do it again next semester for free. My head is blank whenever I'm maneuvering and it feels like I've forgotten everything about it. I need to start working again regardless
Gabriel @gabriel_true It's not uncommon to have to redo the driving test. One of the schools my company uses has a part of the road test that trips up most drivers because it's a sharp turn that forces drivers to extend partway into an oncoming lane or else risk clipping the curb. If one clips the curb you automatically fail, so you have no choice, but to risk losing a point crossing the other traffic's line. You'll still pass if you do the latter rather than the former. As for your illness I will pray for your recovery to be soon!
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 You're right about the driving test and I've heard about the curb auto fails. I have the manuevers test today though, have to do sight side parallel parking, blindside parallel parking, offset left and right and alley dock
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 I haven't even really drove the truck around
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Thank you though!
Gabriel @gabriel_true Let me know how it turns out, Joe!
Daddy BigBack @joemama711 It got postponed to Monday, he tried to test me today but I timed out on all manuevers.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Lucky you, heh! Well I look forward to Monday for ya! You're gonna succeed. Just keep your turns simple and focus on not overcorrecting the wheel when straight backing into a slip or alley.
Yuka King @yukachan left a comment for Gabriel
Sep 07, 24 at 7:57pm
Gabriel @gabriel_true Howdy Howdy Howdy!
Gabriel @gabriel_true What can I do for you little Miss?
Yuka King @yukachan Just saying hiii.
Gabriel @gabriel_true You staying out of trouble?