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22 year old Male
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All I do, I do for you, France
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Sep 17, 23 at 2:17am
Curlymity @forgetmenot Caesar. Joseph's scream is one of pain. He is getting cock and ball torture while Caesar is getting heavenly head.
Ghost @kuharido Hmmm... I like CBT...
Curlymity @forgetmenot I dunno, I don't like pain unless I'm drunk/depressed. At that point, pain is a gift. I prefer... whatever you call lesser than medium-rare. Softcore? Much as I hate to admit it, lot of girls out there wouldn't smash me coz I'm too "gentle". Some guys and gals out there like it slow though. (I've actually lost my virginity to a guy 3 years ago. Dare I say I'm a blow job master?) Why am I telling everyone all this?
Curlymity @forgetmenot Try to ignore.. that last part LOL
Ghost @kuharido Women don't like me cause I am too "gentle" as well XD I feel that.
Ghost @kuharido never, I love everything you say.
Curlymity @forgetmenot Yeah. Though the chivalrous route is an honorable one, No one wants a nice guy. Except nice girls. But women are mysterious. LOL. I dare say I just got plain lucky with my gf. I was her first boyfriend, and the way things have been going for 4 years now, I think I'll be the only one she'd need. I gave her a positive impression on love, and it just stuck. (Our 4th anniversary was September 6th, maybe I should have said something eh?) I do feel bad for getting chummy with Chiari when I already had a gf... of course I've already set that aside.... That sucked to do. LOL anyways.
Ghost @kuharido It's good you find someone especially when younger. pft, me my love life is just a void.
Curlymity @forgetmenot It's ironic though. I think it's just Karma, or some sorta balance thing. I spent my days saying I didn't need love to be a man or that I'd be happy without it. I was fine if it came along but I never saw it as something I needed. You got all these desperate folk out here, some of which are actually good people. Yet love came to find me instead, of all people.
Ghost @kuharido Bruh, I've wanted love my whole life but it never came.
Curlymity @forgetmenot You know what's even more bizarre is that I met her on this site...
Ghost @kuharido I'm jelly but more so I am happy for you. Fellow Jo bro finding love is a beautiful thing.
Ghost @kuharido I also like how we on the topic of love with this meme specifically
Curlymity @forgetmenot Surprised it's not on one of my random "I wanna smash this character" type posts.
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Sep 12, 23 at 12:17am
So, kind of like a death loop? In each "life" she has a chance to make some sort of difference before she dies again? Sounds as if in one of her lives, she manages to uncover a secret to the truth behind it. As in any media, such progress cannot be allowed without consequence. As a result, lead to these new, likely more horrifying than before experiences. Now, it's okay to tell me how wrong/right I am. LOL. I just like having my little theories
I'm here only to promote our books! :'D Come take a look! <3 REMOTE ANGEL is about a young woman named Alice Desangi. After a freak accident of an attempted assault, she wakes up in a different apocalyptic universe. Gifted with mysterious powers of an earth angel, she dies in unfortunate occurrences. She wakes up to relive that day again in a confused manner. Depending on her choices, they could change history. (Hint: the butterfly effect!) REMOTE ANGEL VOL. 2 focuses on Alice's story taking a shocking twist. The truth about one of her new friends is revealed! A dark past is brought to light. New encounters take place. Something is brewing beneath the surface, and it is big enough to alter their lives forever. The genres of the story are as followed: Romance: We have ships and love triangles. Do we smell a new ship? Drama: The drama's getting more intense in this continuation! Apocalyptic Fantasy: The alternative universe seems to be on the brink of end of the world. This world has earth angels, demons, and hybrid humans. Horror/Thriller: Some drawings may look a bit too creepy. Unsuspecting thrills as well! WARNING: There is blood and minimal censored language in this. The blood is a little worse than the last volume. There's sensitive content in this volume as it's darker than the first. The warning is included in the book. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/yenniefer/remote-angel-volume-2-a-manga-graphic-novel-relaunched
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Sep 10, 23 at 4:46pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Sep 09, 23 at 4:50am
Favorite pokemon? https://media.tenor.com/u-qWcV0GwbkAAAAC/mew-pokemon.gif
Curlymity @forgetmenot With how many there are, and that I've played each game, it's hard to choose just one. Still, I'm able to conclude that Skuntank takes the spot for number 1. Having a Skuntank in my party was something that made me feel immune to defeat. I almost am. My Skuntank setup sets the stage for me to win in practically any situation. Skuntank is a prime example of why the poison type is truly a force to be reckoned with. Most people shove poison types under the bed and forget it, but I know better. Thanks to Skuntank. I've caught it in every game that has it, and Skuntanks setup makes the game unbelievably easy, yet very satisfying at the same time. It's got its own kind of cuteness to boot as well. LOL Basically, when someone thinks about me and pokemon, I want them to see Skuntank
Curlymity @forgetmenot Even then, it's a great all-rounder. I've had best results using it for some cheeky trap setups, but it can hold its own as a tank or an attacker. I like it coz, its carried me, it's ugly-cute, it packs a punch even though it might not look like it, and it also seems gruff, the cool kind like Abbacchio.
Ghost @kuharido You pick a very practical favorite. I pick my favorites cause they are cute
DJ MotorBoqt @joemama711 left a comment for Curlymity
Sep 07, 23 at 7:25pm
What is this about you wanting to see a guys nip?
Curlymity @forgetmenot Uhhh... That's rubbish! I... totally never said anything like that and you're like totally imagining that
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Sep 05, 23 at 10:42pm
Ah, so I was right in some sense. Thank you for your answer, of course. Seems I've to wander for inspiration. This is Frustrating LOL. Anyways, I suppose it fair to indulge you with an answer of my own. I am the Capricorn, though I'd rather like to relate it more to its origin, Pan. God of the wild, defender of Mother Nature herself! Ah. Excuse my sudden excitement.
It's okay, You can ask away I do not mind. I was born in April the date my birth fell on is the Ram, I am an Aries. I decided to use the name Aries. Because I relate to the ram a-lot if that makes since. Attitude wise.
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Sep 04, 23 at 4:21pm
Did any of your family fight in the world wars? https://cdn.donmai.us/original/f8/f6/__original_drawn_by_asterisk_kome__f8f69fd7e4bced676ec3abd69d4be4ee.jpg
yuuzora @yuuzora My grandfather fought in WW2 under an Irish banner despite the rebel war with the British. He didn't talk about it much but said he was a part of a mission that sabotaged German ships. Yours?
Curlymity @forgetmenot Brits are friggin jackholes. But If it counts, someone who babysat me, friends of my uncle, was in the operation Iraq freedom thingy. God I dunno history, but there's some kinda military musuem thing somewhere in Illinois I think, or Wisconsin? I dunno, memory is fucked lol. Rock Island Arsenal, I think it was called. Anyways I'd went there during a vacation with my family a few years back, my uncle came over to me like, "come here check this out," and he pointed out that old fart in those photos and I was all like "no wayyy!" But yeah there's a picture of a guy who changed my diaper in that museum. Believe it or not.
Curlymity @forgetmenot In one of those group photo things anyways, he wasn't important enough to be the main attraction of a photo apparently
yuuzora @yuuzora Very interesting. It must be strange to see those pictures. Is that person who babysat you still around? I wonder what stories they have to tell? Does your uncle talk about it at all? I don't know much about the Iraq war except from the perspective of Iranians who were nearby.-------------------------- Yeah, I have a deep, learned hatred of British................ if we're talking about family involvement in the IRA, it'd be easier to list the family who wasn't involved.
Ghost @kuharido Don't know if any of my family fought in wars. I know my great grandpa was in the military. Not sure if Afghanistan has any wars in his time. Europeans always rip on each other. It's just like Asia XD. I actually like the British myself despite the Anglo-Afghan war. The Soviets did way worse to Afghanistan.
Ghost @kuharido For the record I like the Russian just not the Soviets and their descendants like Putin.
Ghost @kuharido Russian culture*
yuuzora @yuuzora Yes. I understand my hatred of British isn't nice. It is a learned hatred that is very much trying to unlearn. And as part Japanese, definitely Euro trash and Asian trash are the same trashes calling each other trash. XD------------------- I adore slavic culture. Their variety of throat singing is so interesting I've been trying to learn it. I think the Afghans were well involved with the Cold War, weren't they?
Ghost @kuharido Mostly as a place to be invaded but Afghanistan has always been a place conquered by many empires.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hn. I suppose I don't know as much about Afghan history as its neighbors. I'll add that to my list of things to learn. Maybe e Afghans would have much in common with the Vietnamese in terms of convenient placing for warring nations. Sorry my English isn't good. My brain is fried like pakoras.
Ghost @kuharido It's right on the silk road so lots of places have been there. Alexander the great, Emperor Ashoka, the Kushan, The Scythians, Emperor Timur, The Mughals, etc.
Curlymity @forgetmenot Right. So my wall is history class now?
Ghost @kuharido Yes, be proud.
Curlymity @forgetmenot I'm more of a biology person myself
Ghost @kuharido biology good too.
yuuzora @yuuzora Oooo yay biology is fun! I'm learning some finite chemistry with grounding in biology for fun lately! Any specific part of biology you find interesting?
Curlymity @forgetmenot You've forgotten! Marine Biology. Dolphins and starfish. Hell yeah.
yuuzora @yuuzora Yayyyyyy. I love that deep sea shit, but I won't lie that I have a big soft spot for ceteaceans(sp?) especially whales. I got to see one from very far away once....... lol Have you seen them up close before?
Curlymity @forgetmenot Up close? Nah. But I've held a baby shark, and also a stingray. Ocean fishing. You the shark wasn't a problem to reel in, but that stingray took me and 3 other guys to pull up. I'm sure you can imagine, because of it's shape we had to like pull against the water. God that was hell of a workout... My bud got a picture with the shark in the end, but I'm that one guy who despised pictures. (These days, it just depends on the photographer) So I talked my way outta that one. Didn't last long coz I later got talked into getting mine taken with the ray. Good jolly time that was. Especially since that was a vacation I'd went on with my friends during my Junior year. Was always surprised how dad actually allowed me to go... Either way. Anything involving the ocean is a dream vacation for me!
Curlymity @forgetmenot Reading back I realized I accidentally called you a shark.
yuuzora @yuuzora I like sharks, so I think of this as a compliment. Being called a whale would be also. Because whales are usually very kind. Can't say the same for porpoises. lol That sounds like a hell of a lot of fun! Do you throw them back or eat them? I've only ever done river and lake fishing out of survival need. Yeah, ocean trips are usually the ones I jump right on, since it makes me feel connected to the spirits of the fae. My grandad always told me I was like Clionda but I look like Brigid. lolol. Junior year of uni or primary? I can understand about pictures though, they take a piece of your soul. Too sketchy. Do you still hang out with those friends? Your dad was the strict sort?
Curlymity @forgetmenot Well alright then. Shark, and Dum-dum. Yes, I remember that. And... pfft. Do I eat them? LOL no way. Preserve the beautiful (and also abominably ugly) children of the ocean. Is it wrong if I eat sushi? And nah I don't really see them anymore. Someone told me once that most people end up leaving behind their old school friends behind. He said that the people you meet out there in "the real world" would be the ones that stick for rest of their lives. I didn't take him seriously at the time, but in the end, that's exactly what happened. Oh! And, uh I forgot, I actually went to a middle school and high school in the US. So this trip was in high-school. I was probably 16-17. I was flabbergasted at how they didn't call it "Primary" and "Secondary". When I first moved here. Friggin American snowflakes.
yuuzora @yuuzora Lolol. Americans really are pretty thin skinned. Always have been. But then so are Canadians and Brits... not sure about Aussies. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if sharks and rays are partially or fully endangered by now. Humans are the fucking worst. We're basically an invasive species worse than any other. So should it be Shark Dum or Dum Shark?-------------------------------- Yeah, that is very much true. Even in Uni I ended up not keeping in contact with many of the people who associated with me. The exceptions are my boys from the masonry shop I did my pre-apprentice and apprentice training in. Though I usually only hear from them when they're out of a job and need me to put in a good word somewhere. Though my word doesn't carry as much weight as it used to because I've been out of the industry for a while now.---------------------------------- Yeah, Americans and Canadians count the years quite differently, but then it's kinda because they don't really prepare kids for anything except to survive sort of. Though even that is dependant on location location location. What was the biggest culture shock you had here? Do you ever go to the beaches where you live? I wonder how different it is from the north to the south?