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30 year old Male
Last online 8年弱 ago
Ottawa, Canada
lebod110 @lebod110 left a comment for deardrops
Feb 22, 14 at 9:00am
Ps. I'm gay..... Hahah just kidding, just kidding :P
lebod110 @lebod110 left a comment for deardrops
Feb 22, 14 at 8:58am
I'll learn you a trick! Look whenever you have nice chat with someone and you wanna know if they are interested in you simply put this .... Hugs and kisses -deardrops (seriously hope that the people i've used this trick on don't read this D: if they do... I'm screwed :'( ) - if they ignore it they most likely just want to be friends - if they don't like it well....your screwed they will say something about it for sure - if they do like it you'll get something positive back Make me proud, my son!! I'll be waiting for you to come with some neat stories xD Your hot BF -lebod110 Btw that one also works (u can say it as best friend or boyfriend ) That's if you wanna play it safe ;)
akuma_rozu @akuma_rozu left a comment for deardrops
Feb 22, 14 at 6:51am
How's Kimi no Iru Machi in general? I'm planning to read that too :3. I'm rereading Death Note and I just started on Gintama. As for anime, I'm watching Gintama, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo,Noragami,C3 and Fairy Tail :3
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for deardrops
Feb 22, 14 at 5:59am
Oke starting with the league thing; you and I, we have the same girl crushes. I just lovee the song of natsumi where she sings feeders leavers afk. and lily is just well, too freaking adorable. How on earth does she talks with such a high voice all the time tho o_O Do you mean imaqtpie from Dignitas? Oh gawd. Yeah he really is eh yum. Hi ;D Well you hopeless romantic, its best for a girl to sometimes have her own secrets(; With nonairing anime its more; start watching and watch a new one when the other is finished. With airing anime you can watch everything >;D You can start fangirling then hehe. Question; what do you think of kirisaki's hair? :3 Super sonico is just. Holy shit that fanservice, how is it even possible xD but she's so cute that its oke. And she plays really cute, even though I was hoping for her dress in the first epi to start melting accidentally tho I can share space, I actually have those disney movies on myhard drive, so I'm sharing already. What do you think of golden time? Since it was from the developers of toradora I had high hopes, but sometimes there is just a real facepalm moment Oh and shipping linda and banri soo hard<3 Koko is oke and all, but she'll get over it. The same way she came over mitsuo in 2 secondsxd Oh and pupa is awesome! Too bad that everytime it reay is beginning to become a story, it ends >.> but its a really good series, what they have with guys and hairclips this season is a mystery x] My birthday is the 15th of March(: Here's some dutch for you; goedemoren Sean! Thats not too hard to translate(; America is the land of promises, but I'm not sure about America yet. Its just, someone far away. The only problem is that with my study, if I do study in America, I won't be able to return to the Netherlands Come on skype, play the movie. And everytime you cry out of happiness you can tell, close enough. You can't wait with these movies, they are too freaking adorable "some people are worth melting for" just, freaking cuteness. And I absolutly love the scene from tangled where they are in the boat being all romantic and stuff c: Go watch it! Tumblr is based on all sorts of fandoms like that, you cant blame them for spoilers(; When you've seen those movies, you'll be reblogging all sorts of things from them, no doubt. Someday you'll be in the same love scene? x] No japanese writing tho, thats too damn hard. I can only say little things, like how to scream somebody should stop touching hehehe x] oh wait, converse, hmm I wont scream that to you xd Wanna be recognized? Sure, then you're an adult ;D but this means you also have the responsibilty of one, are you ready for that? Subtle flirting is hard. Just go for cheesy pick up lines, they are the best ;D Hmm I won't break any heart, promise I love how they actually wrote a 30-45 min game, its more like or a 20 min game or an hour game. Something in between doesn't exist xD ward wars are the subtle struggle of supports that no one else will ever notice, but is the greatest achievement for a support :3 exactly, 2 premade works best, most of the time. I have someone that is my personal ADC, and those are the best games. You might be surprised to what is attainable. You just have to make the right moves(: ELO might not be a fetish. But it might or might not be pretty eeeh jummie? Hahaha oke you just made me kinda jealous. But hea, its oke. I've seen the foo fighters live too. Oh and I might see fall out boy live hehe. Tsunami was the best when he was still a small youtuber like that. Where he just went mid with every champ and that the enemy was always raging oh this reminds me of a question, the post about; O dare you to challenge me to send questions and you win if I can't publish it. How real was that? Barely enough, but still a thousand times better than the broken ones<3
Those are all very yummy! :) For new and up-and-coming... in respect to VK, I think Royz, Lycaon, Vivid, Lynch, and Mejibray. If we're talking Jrock probably One Ok Rock. They're young and seeing a lot of fame. A lot of older bands are making comeback, too I see. Like Penicillin as nano, Alice Nine is doing new releases, Gackt is releasing new singles, Yoshiki from X-Japan is doing a classical tour. It makes me happy to see because a lot of these older bands are the ones I follow best. lol Yeah, I think it was absolutely horrible, and of course there was a lot of outpouring from other countries for help. I think Japan has really been able to get back up from that disaster and rebuild. I just hope they are able to do something about the Tepco plant, because the area still may be affected by the radiation from the broken nuclear reactor. I also hope that places like the Philippines are able to recover similarly, because I'm not sure if they got the same outpouring of help. I know that the VK band Uchu Sentai NOIZ, their cause since their beginnings actually was helping the Philippines. They collect toothbrushes and toiletries to send to the Philippines at their lives. They've done it at least since 2006. In December the lead singer, Angel-Taka went there and delivered things and volunteered his help. I can't say I'd expect it from other VK bands, but I can expect it from Uchu Sentai NOIZ. Yeah. :P I also read a lot of Japanese, but to be fair, it's usually One Piece manga. :P
Haruu @haruu left a comment for deardrops
Feb 22, 14 at 12:07am
I sound Sion, so you should get on cam now. @w@ I won the contest. @w@ Oh? Ahahaha, I'm surprised you use the word "funny". But no really. Get on mix, deardropppssssssss. @_____@
Haruu @haruu left a comment for deardrops
Feb 21, 14 at 11:41pm
HI. How are you. Please get on mic.
sionxtc @sionxtc left a comment for deardrops
Feb 21, 14 at 10:01am
You being awkward is way better than you think. Like 80% of my friends are awkward I'm actually used to being around it. I think the anime in common thing is really amazing! I started plenty of conversations with hey I know you like x anime you're cool! I feel more comfortable talking to people after knowing what they like. One of my greatest strengths in life is helping people overcome their fears. Honestly, I've helped so many people who are just like you break out of their shell. It's the type of guy I am. I have special methods hehe i won't tell my secrets here but If I'm ever in Canada I'll be sure to let you know and we can hang out and have fun :D! I guess the rave isn't your thing? Well even if it isn't there are plenty of ways to keep in touch with those people. and the cosplay envy I totally agree with you on haha. I feel like sometimes I wasn't born to cosplay as certain characters while others were. I don't despise how I look just slightly jealous that others have the looks for a certain character. ok I can give you solid fox and marth advice since they are characters I play. First before I teach you all the you need to learn the basic advance techniques like wave dashing, shield dropping, dash dashing, Lcanceling etc. here is a link http://smashboards.com/threads/the-advanced-how-to-play-video-ahtp.72556/
lebod110 @lebod110 left a comment for deardrops
Feb 21, 14 at 9:45am
Accidentally posted this on my page...again -_- Don't get desperate that's bad for your health :3. You've got more than 20 females in your friend list, you've talked with at least 10 of them (i mean more than hi) if 2 of 10 likes you (in other words one fifth) it wouldn't be strange at all That's veeeery subtle its sooooo subtle that i don't even understand it xD But sadly i'll categorize it as pick up line. Flirting is like going with the flow Keep up the hard work ^_^
Nessu @nestlepanic left a comment for deardrops
Feb 21, 14 at 9:16am
Growing slowly but surely! Everything is well, just watching a run through of my guilty yaoi pleasure DMMD. How's it going with you C: