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30 year old Male
Last online 8年弱 ago
Ottawa, Canada
AmbieChann @ambiechann left a comment for deardrops
Feb 21, 14 at 8:21am
Nice to meet you Sean! And yes, ^_^ I'm Amber. Thank you! I'll get some more stuff and make it better! <3 I'm up for chatting! It's going good, just getting ready for work! :3 How about you~ :)
Nessu @nestlepanic left a comment for deardrops
Feb 21, 14 at 8:17am
ChunChun c: Hii~
Feb 21, 14 at 12:09am
Thank you! Looking back on where I was 3 semesters ago until now, it definitely is on a whole 'nother level. I suppose that means that the classes are working though. It is really nice and astounding how much I didn't know two years ago. xD Ah, Wagner. He certainly knew how to draw out an opera, and write some pretty crazy plots. The Ride of the Valkyries is an awesome piece though. Chopin is most famous for his nocturnes, which are, for the most part very hard to play. Mendelssohn's most famous thing was probably Songs Without Words, which is a large group- I can't remember the number- of piano pieces that vary quite a bit in genre. It's okay if you don't know much about them though! You seem to know more than the average non-music major. I don't know how much you want to know so I'll start with the basic outline of everything. The major music periods are Antiquity, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary/20 Century (that one has several different names.) Also, there was a 40 year period of Impressionism from 1880 to 1920 in France. There really isn't any music left from the Antiquity period. The Medieval period was mostly filled with sacred music in the style of Gregorian Chant. There were a few secular compositions, but most are lost from today. The Renaissance had a bit more substance to it. The vast majority was still sacred music, but we still have secular pieces. John Dowland is one of the more well known composers of this time. The Baroque period is the period that most people either love or hate due to the driving non-stop repetitive rhythm of most of the pieces. Also, opera as we know it today got it's start here. Bach and Handel were the two biggest composers from this period. The Classical era was pretty strict with the music and had very clean cut rhythms and harmonies. The biggest composers from this period were Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Although Beethoven was also in the beginning of the Romantic era. I already told you a bit about the Romantic era so I'll just go to Impressionistic era. The Impressionistic era started to use weird scales that the eras before it didn't use and set up the techniques that the 20th Century music used. Debussy is the biggest composer from this period. 20th Century is where it gets crazy, we're still in that era too even though it isn't the 20th century anymore. From an instrumental standpoint, minimalism, atonality, and different scales and tunings are a big thing here. Then of course we have all the different genres of today. That's a basic overview of it, if you want to know more about any certain part then just ask! That also may have been a bit longer than you wanted. xD I do like that piece! I have several that I like, but one of my favorites is the New World Symphony by Dvorak. I totally agree that you shouldn't go to school for something you aren't passionate about. Game design does seem like an awesome field to go into, although I know almost nothing about it. xD But graphic design is great too. I have a friend who is in school for graphic design right now. She says it's so much fun.
lil_flower7 @lil_flower7 left a comment for deardrops
Feb 20, 14 at 11:34pm
thanks:) not really:(
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for deardrops
Feb 20, 14 at 7:28pm
watch the new epi of chuunibyou, the end. its just. <33
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for deardrops
Feb 20, 14 at 6:37pm
If you ask realllyy sweet, I might give you an answer hahaha The airing anime are really fun, mostly because you can watch as many as you want without it looking like a lot. I added nisekoi and super sonico now aswell, so I'm watching 11 ongoing series. What series are you watching actually? HD is the best, true. While watching Hellsing, the quality was so bad I couldnt even read the subtitles xD haha I have a total of a 1,5 tb Hard Drive and hopefully It will be filled with anime one day ;D When is your birthday? Good luck ;D You understand it, but I'm thinking about studying in America, so having perfect grammar and vocab does help with that hea(; Not too many native English speaking people know other languages, since it's not necessary. I know Dutch and english(obviously), german and I'm try hard for ever learning japanese :3 You're busy with college, maybe one day you'll learn another language, even though english is the easiest language as in there is no difference between feminine and masculine words, its all just the x] Secretly everyone dreams about how one day they'll find their prince charming, or their yuuta. But most of the time people turn out to be more like Hans from Frozen(have you seen that movie? Its soo cute). haha that you even ask? basically every anime couple that I ship I feel like that. Too many cute couples in anime that don't end up with each other. Or that have no proper kiss/love scene >> Don't worry, if you say things like that, I'll only learn. And it sounds silly, but silly things sound cute as well xD Well her feelings then should just be kept inside if she wants to start ruining things-___- If she had ruined that ending ooh nono>> Menma #1, how can a small child say so many cute things hopefully you're no adult, its best not to be. That means you have to be responsible. Its only about 30 that you get to be one, before that turning 18 just means alcohol and voting. Exactly, you should never question compliments(: Just say thank you and smile OH I JUST READ THAT COMMENT. You must do what lebod110 says, I wanna see you embarass yourself too ;D Although you probably won't embarras yourself and just get a harem hea haha I'll talk back, promise(; You must make up already again, cause you keep sending broken hearts When you have a full build in s3 it was probably about 50 mins in game. And then you were the winning team, it was so sad. And then the money you'd get from removing wards, but then if someone else removed it that they got the money>> Luckily they changed that. having a premade team is a lot of work, especially if you plan to join with tournaments. Thats why gaming casual is better. Well actually, chicks dig ELO. Or well, some girls. Talking about weird fetishes :3 and speaking of High Elo cuties, Dyrus has a place in my heart. The video where he did gwiyomi is so adorable. But he has a gf and is like 10 years older. Oh and he lives on the other side of the world. Details. Tsunami is one of the fun LoL youtubers to watch, how he tries the meta is so funny One of his best vids is where he plays olaf mid and he is actually doing so good that the other team is raging on their midlaner and its just.. Respect xD Would you want any hate? Sweet anons are a lot better, most other anons are just real assholes xD
I don't blame you. Lol Lol right. Katakana is tricky sometimes. I did a play in Los Angeles called Hikobae. The crew and producers are mostly Japanese so it was important to speak Japanese. :) also, I do meetup stuff where we get Japanese students and English students from Japan and we get them together to chat and study Japanese.
lebod110 @lebod110 left a comment for deardrops
Feb 20, 14 at 4:44pm
Yea i guess so... Who!? I'm not gonna tell you that it would spoil all the fun mwahahaha :P Your talking too so many girls that i can't keep up Just pay attention and you may figure it out! (It's more than 1 you womanizer xD) Try flirting you'll realize who likes ya (subtle flirting no pick up lines dude but i'll also enjoy seeing you embarrass yourself XP) Just kidding like always ~_^. From your HOT BF -lebod110
demonrin @demonrin left a comment for deardrops
Feb 20, 14 at 4:21pm
Ooohh, if its like SAO i must watch it !!!
sionxtc @sionxtc left a comment for deardrops
Feb 20, 14 at 3:08pm
Thanks man. I wouldn't think of you as a shut in honestly. You seem like an open person in fact I think if we actually met we'd be good friends! I've always been a social person but never really spoke to many about anime so it's like a new experience to me. Forcing yourself to do something you're not used to is a good thing IMO. It helps you prepare for the next time you do it. Kinda like how I was like at my first con. I was really nervous because I was pretty much alone for the first day (I couldn't find my friends until the end of the day) I was too scared to ask a cosplayer for a picture! I forced myself to ask her and she even asked my why I am shaking. I told her a was nervous and she gave me a hug and told me don't be nervous think of us all as your friend. So i ended up taking a lot of pictures day 1 because of that advice. I pretty much threw myself out there to be more social with a group of people I really haven't talked to before. Once you find out that people are generally nicer than you think it became a lot easier to talk to more con goers. This leads on to my second con where I had a new mind set (also cosplaying is a good way to break the ice). I met so many new people just from talking and complimenting their cosplay. I ended up meeting plenty of people from my state and made some new out of state ones! All because of that little push and wise words from a con goer.