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torgor67 @torgor67
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torgor67 @torgor67
Hi would love to chat with you.

blueotaku2001 @blueotaku2001
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blueotaku2001 @blueotaku2001
You have a very good taste in anime, I see.

MrRuku @mrruku
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MrRuku @mrruku
"I see you are a man of culture as well" - I nearly cried from the laughter you caused from this XXD. Aslo seeing Tanya/or a tanya like character in different eras would be cool to see especially in an era with different classes E.g. Nobles and peasants. XXD i also meant Ainz would kill the studio staff, XXD he'd probably respect Tanya a little it terms of power and leadership skills/command. Are you watching any other currently airing shows?
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Deamiel @deamiel
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Deamiel @deamiel
Hi I'm Tanu. I going to be going to University soon to learn Mathematics and go into Actuarial Science and I thought I would on a wimp join this website. I hope to make long lasting friends with the same interests.