new here

tghn100 @tghn100
new here
tghn100 @tghn100
Hi I'm Tom. I'm completely new here. I'm a college student studying Japanese to be an English teacher in Japan. I'm shy, but I'm really hoping to find friends on this site. any suggestions for a new user would be greatly appreciated.

CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
commented on
new here
CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
Welcome, hope you find your place here. Maybe find some forum threads that you like and comment/post memes to them, which will allow you to see who has a similar personality to you (The serious, likes and dislikes and anime threads are all good places to start).

Deamiel @deamiel
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Deamiel @deamiel
Hi I'm Tanu. I going to be going to University soon to learn Mathematics and go into Actuarial Science and I thought I would on a wimp join this website. I hope to make long lasting friends with the same interests.

tghn100 @tghn100
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new here
tghn100 @tghn100
hi Tanu it's really cool that your into math I've always been a language person myself. math is a lot harder,but people who are good at it are awesome! I hope to make real friends here to!

tghn100 @tghn100
commented on
new here
tghn100 @tghn100
thank you Cowboy I'll try my best
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