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cuppycake @cuppycake
cuppycake @cuppycake
Just working a lot and playing some Overwatch/Destiny on my ps4. =D

cuppycake @cuppycake
cuppycake @cuppycake
dimix I'm only seeing Food War, Gate, Monster Musume, To Love Ru and Naruto atm.
Tenchi how complicated is it? Because I know I never got to see each season within 5 days. Lol

cuppycake @cuppycake
cuppycake @cuppycake
Well i'm just looking forward for the new ep of Gate and looking even more forward for the new DLC for Destiny on ps4! Ugh! I cant wait for both atm! But I'm also looking to see what I can do to kill some time before I head to work atm. Lol
I'm looking for PS4 friends

cuppycake @cuppycake
commented on
I'm looking for PS4 friends
cuppycake @cuppycake
PS4: LightTenchi
I usually play OverWatch and Destiny.
Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??

cuppycake @cuppycake
commented on
Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
cuppycake @cuppycake
I love it! Waiting on thay 2nd season and still reading the manga!