Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??

mamisexual @mamisexual
Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
mamisexual @mamisexual
Sooo as some of you know Boku no Hero Academia was a new anime that came out early this year and I freaking fell in love with it like crazy fjjfvfjvjdfvjfmvjdfmvjfd
What I love the most about it is Deku cause to me his character is very inspirational with him never wanting to give up despite everything he goes through..but yeah I just decided to start to topic in order to hopefully find more people who love this anime as much as I do and want to talk about cause I want so badly to talk about this show with someone..ANYONE
Sooo alast please post your Boku no Hero Academia hype here XD

Panda @mrpanduhhh
commented on
Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
Panda @mrpanduhhh
Dude!!! Same here!!! I love how Deku has the heart of a hero but is not built to be one xD. I also like it cause I'm also a big fan of the american comic type of heroes.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Piko is just the best though.

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
There are definitely some unique and interesting super powers. As well as how they use them.
Which begs the question, "If you could have a super power, what would it be?"

Pseudo Lock @pseudolock
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Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
Pseudo Lock @pseudolock
Been reading it almost since it began. Amazing manga. Lots of natural character interaction and growth. I feel like that doesn't always happen in Shonen manga. I didn't love the anime but it was very well directed and artwork was SOLID. I hope Season 2 is even better.

traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
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Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
Memememe~ I love it. I'm a fan of the shounen genre and while MHA doesn't exactly do anything CRAZY original I think it hits every mark of the shounen genre super well that I can't help but love it.
Shinsou, Shishikura, Dabi, Himiko Toga, Kirishima, and Bakugou are my favorites

ryuhll @ryuhll
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Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
ryuhll @ryuhll
I definitely agree. Watched the first season and it prompted me to read the Manga. Been loving the character development for even the side characters. Been saying for a while, kinda think this one is gonna be the one to replace Naruto or Bleach as one of the top Shonen manga. Lol

Kringles @kurosora97
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Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
Kringles @kurosora97
another fan here, the end was very good.

cuppycake @cuppycake
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Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
cuppycake @cuppycake
I love it! Waiting on thay 2nd season and still reading the manga!

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
Any Boku no Hero Academia fans in the house??
Ghost @kuharido
I gotta get into this series. I hear very good things and the trailers are great.
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