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beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
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beatsbodyshot @beatsbodyshot
I saw you on the bus today you had an attack on Titan shirt and was with your mom lol

Red Masque @masque_of_red
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Red Masque @masque_of_red

hibari kyoya @lovely_complexities
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hibari kyoya @lovely_complexities
Lol not at all! Your answers always come across as very well-thought out lol. :) Thank you!
Looking to hang out in LA?

clueliss @clueliss
Looking to hang out in LA?
clueliss @clueliss
I'm currently in LA for the next 4 weeks due to school and I wanna get out and meet some people. Anyone willing to chill at all?
Anime Expo 2015

clueliss @clueliss
commented on
Anime Expo 2015
clueliss @clueliss
I plan on going, but only on Friday. Don't feel like paying a lot of money and I have classes to focus on