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✪¥en§pender✪ @chillhouse
✪¥en§pender✪ @chillhouse
Gonna stop logging into this account pretty soon. Tired of being known as chill and chillhouse. Also I want to close this chapter of being on MO and have a fresh start. I will work on changing some things about myself. I know some things I do is kinda goofy at times on here like apologizing for seemingly nothingness at times and can be random about other things as well. I have many flaws, and connecting with MO people has been a long hard road for me that hasn't worked out too well up to this point. The way I am in real life is reflected only a portion on MO and I find it challenging at best to try to be myself on here in this online world and express who I really am. I am kinda uncomfortable on here even till this day and hope if I can fall into place, eventually I can be more of myself the way I am in real life. My new account is keeneyed. I'll try to send out friend requests to the active people on my chillhouse friendslist and if you think you wanna continue to get to know me, that'd be great. If not, maybe in due time it will change but if not it will be okay. I'm not for everyone but I will try to improve.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
I did like family guy, American dad, Simpsons and south park shows, just don't have Hulu aka the way to watch it. Also good mythical morning is a very popular YouTube channel that stays consistent and is probably rolling in money with how entertaining they are. Thank you sir I wish your aunt a happy birthday and that we have a fun friendship.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Of course though it's up to you what you wanna do with your free time. I haven't watched anything like that in a while unless it was on a special program like the south park covid specials lol. Lately I've been binging Good Mythical Morning videos and worrying about finding a job I'll like that pays me as much as my old one yet also worrying if the jobs gonna suck too lol. Let's both have a good ole time

✪¥en§pender✪ @chillhouse I have too much free time tho so I should be able to make time for anything pretty much including more anime XD But yeah it's cool that you haven't watched anything like that in quite some time unless on a special program. Never heard of Good Mythical Morning but I am curious about it now. I'm gonna look on Youtube for it. Hope your job search will be short and find something that pays really well as well as be something you enjoy. Yeah, you and me both need something good so it might as well be a good ole time on MO lol. Anyway, I'm going to go eat dinner, wish my aunt a happy birthday on the phone and do a few other things and most likely return later after all that. You're pretty nice and easy to talk to. Hope you'll decide to stay
Random thoughts...

✪¥en§pender✪ @chillhouse
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Random thoughts...
✪¥en§pender✪ @chillhouse
Sometimes I sit on here waiting for something to happen and then 2 hours goes by and I wake up realizing 2 hours went by and nothing happened
Last one to post here wins

✪¥en§pender✪ @chillhouse
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Last one to post here wins
✪¥en§pender✪ @chillhouse
Hey Audio >:) This isn't your average time of getting on. You usually log in, in the morning. But anyway you doing okay?