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Fantasy @fantasy
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Fantasy @fantasy
Thanks for accepting. How goes it?

CategoryKing @categoryking
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CategoryKing @categoryking
Hey. I'm actually initially from Pittsburgh myself. Depending on how things go in the next few months I may be moving back also.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
hello ^^
Fwiends? In Pittsburgh

ChicG33k @chicgeek
Fwiends? In Pittsburgh
ChicG33k @chicgeek
Hey there. I'm strictly looking for some friends in the Pittsburgh Area who would like to hang out, watch anime with, go see DC and Marvel movies with. You know fun nerdy stuff. It'd be cool to get back into magic the gathering and such as well. I do have a boyfriend, another couple or guys are also fine. Anyways hope to hear from cool people!
Go for it?

ChicG33k @chicgeek
Go for it?
ChicG33k @chicgeek
So I've been recently trying to put myself back out there and like most people I am terrified of rejection but I think I'm more scared of not taking a chance when I could and missing out. There is a guy that works at the library and I frequently see him since I go to pick up my walking dead comics, to be honest I don't know much about him but psychically he is my type and looks to be around my age. I tried looking for a ring or anything that might tell me if he is seeing anyone but if you secretly admired someone how would you approach the situation? I don't think asking him out or for his number at work would be appropriate..or maybe I'm overthinking it, any advice will be welcome.