Go for it?

ChicG33k @chicgeek
Go for it?
ChicG33k @chicgeek
So I've been recently trying to put myself back out there and like most people I am terrified of rejection but I think I'm more scared of not taking a chance when I could and missing out. There is a guy that works at the library and I frequently see him since I go to pick up my walking dead comics, to be honest I don't know much about him but psychically he is my type and looks to be around my age. I tried looking for a ring or anything that might tell me if he is seeing anyone but if you secretly admired someone how would you approach the situation? I don't think asking him out or for his number at work would be appropriate..or maybe I'm overthinking it, any advice will be welcome.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Go for it?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Say, hi. Start with small talk and end with giving him your number or ask if he'd like to meet up for drinks sometime. Go in with the mind set of " friends first" and you may take some of the edge off. Guys are not complicated and they're usually flattered when there's an interest in them.It's only awkward if you make it awkward. Just be friendly. Hell, you could talk about....I don't know....Books? And if you're awkward, always use that awkwardness as an icebreaker....unless you're just plain creepy in which case, fuck it. You'll be fine, you just sound like you're doing as most do, you're over thinking.

Kohagura @kohagura
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Go for it?
Kohagura @kohagura
Yeah, I would just get to know him first. Then you will be more sure if you like him if you found out he shares some interests/hobbies. I know I saw a shopkeeper who was attractive, and I was wearing an Attack on Titan hoodie coincidentally, so he spoke up and talked about it, I wasn't expecting him to like anime.
It ended up not working though, because after talking with him more, I asked for his email the second visit, and then he gave it to me... but then I haven't even received any reply in over a month. -_- So I guess he either was pranking me or didn't wanna be rude by saying no.

Spiky hair with sunglasses @thisislegitmyrealname
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Go for it?
Spiky hair with sunglasses @thisislegitmyrealname
This account has been suspended.

nikita_13 @nikita_13
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Go for it?
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Your question answers itself. Go into this without romance as your end goal in mind, it will help to stay relaxed. Find out who he is first, age, interests, etc. Even a casual question about this past weekend can open him up to informing you if he's involved or not.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Go for it?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Like yaasshat said start off with small talk and then bring something up at the end if you need an excuse to talk to him since he works at the library just come up to him with a book or something like i have trouble finding a book can you help me out idk something dumb like that but anyway good luck :)

Yu @metaljester
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Go for it?
Yu @metaljester
Emotional Context such a life,
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