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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
How's the freelance/ hard writing life going?

bonchance @bonchance
bonchance @bonchance
[Casually saves this in her Lolita Memes folder] Thank you!

Ghost @kuharido
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Ghost @kuharido
I like your lolita/princess memes

Ghost @kuharido My pleasure, I got a few more Lolita Hank Hill in my gallery if you want them. Also just googling "Lolita Hank hill" will get more.

bonchance @bonchance
bonchance @bonchance
There's never any turning back when it comes to anime~

pyramanager @pyramanager
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pyramanager @pyramanager
lol I would say I had the same gateway drugs as you that got me into anime. Also Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Code Geass, School Rumble, and Cowboy Bebop pushed me further in. And there was no turning back XD