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awsomeallmight @awsomeallmight
awsomeallmight @awsomeallmight
cool right now im playing scarlet nexus , yakuza 7 , wwe 2k19 and sometimes nba 2k21 all on ps5. nice to meet you to.
Hello Fellow anime lovers.

nuke288 @nuke288
commented on
Hello Fellow anime lovers.
nuke288 @nuke288
Nice to meet you. What games are you playing currently? I have PS4, Xbox one, Switch, and PC.

awsomeallmight @awsomeallmight
awsomeallmight @awsomeallmight
thanks. i play games like persona 4 golden , final fantasy games , dragon quest stuff like that. but im open to multiplayer games if you play those.
Hello Fellow anime lovers.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Hello Fellow anime lovers.
Veru @verucassault
Welcome to the site. What games you play on Steam?
Hello Fellow anime lovers.

awsomeallmight @awsomeallmight
Hello Fellow anime lovers.
awsomeallmight @awsomeallmight
Hey everyone Awsomeallmight here , nice to meet all of you. I hope to make some good friends during my time here. on that note anyone willing to share their gaming socials? i need more friends on either psn , switch or steam.