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CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
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CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
Hi again! I would like to point out you're running out of time. Remember how you said you would hack my Email address? Well, it's almost been 24 hours since you threatened to hack it and I did post in that post on it that I would call that a bluff if it wasn't enacted within 24 hours. This is your final time warning. If you plan to hack my email, better pull it off now. Otherwise, I will be calling your bluff, followed by a report thread on the amount of arrogance you have shown to us. It'll be very fun to, well simply, flush you out. Remember this quote: "You wanna put out an oil fire, Sir, you set off an explosion right next to it. Sucks away the oxygen. Snuffs the flame".

CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2 You have 3 more hours until I call the bluff.

. @suj8dif9osk r/inceltears

CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
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CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
Enjoy cleaning all that up ;)

. @suj8dif9osk Nah it stays, it's pretty funny seeing you have a mental breakdown.

CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
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CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2

[Verse 1]
They're back in town
You need to pee?
That is so crazy
What the fuck?
You need to pee?
You call the Ghöüstbusteirs™
They extract it
There was ghosts
In your bladder
What the fuck?
You need to take the pee
Crazy ghost pee-pee
That is insanity!
[Verse 2]
Use their machine
To hook it up
To your dick
It hurts
When they activate it to remove ghosts
[Verse 1]
I break your door in
I sneak in the basement
It is my home now
But you never find out
Cause I am sneaky
I am the rat man
I go up at night
And eat your cheese!
But one day you find out there is a rat man inside the basement and you call the cops
But the cops don't take it seriously
So you call the Ghöüstbusteirs™ instead!
[Verse 2]
The Ghöüstbusteirs™
Are ill-equipped
They only have ghost busting weapons
But they should've brought a shotgun
But I have a gun so I kill them instead
Oh no, it's murder!
Grandma has died!
[Verse 1]
When Grandma has died
You get really pissed 'cause she owe you money
So you call Ghöüstbusteir™
"Hey, please, Ghöüstbusteir™
Hey, my grandma has died
She owe me money, extract soul please."
They tell you, "Who the fuck is this?"
You tell them, "Get my grandma's money now, you dumbass!"
[Verse 2]
The Ghöüstbusteirs™ still come
Because you still pay them
They take out their guns and... get Grandma
You tell Grandma, "GIMME YOUR MONEY!"
Ghöüstbusteir™ get guilty and they leave
And you cry
[Verse 1]
I got food poisoned
That made me angry
So I call the Ghöüstbusteir™
"Hey Ghöüstbusteir™ man
McDonald's have a ghost in the burger
What the fuck?"
You tell them
"Get down to McDonal
And use the gun
The burger has a ghost!"
This is the last time I go to McDonkies!
They put fucking ghost in burger!
I will now go see Kentucky Fried Man
[Verse 2]
Joke's on you, dumbass!
The chicken has ghost too!
Why the fuck is all the food
Full of ghost?!
I call health inspector
I call Ghöüstbusteir™
And I tell them
"Destroy the city!"
The lasagna...
The lasagna...
Was eaten by a ghost!
[Verse 1]
I called the police
The police told me
"Stop calling!"
But I told them
I told them
My lasagna was eaten by ghost
I get sad and I do a spicy jerk
I call the pizza place
And I tell them
``You have a Pizza face.``
*Demonic noises*
The ghost
Has invaded my butt
He's trying to control me
*Demonic noises*
I call the Pizza Place™
And I tell them I want a Ghost Pizza™
Pizza Baker Man says "Don't call, or I break your
Fucking knees."
And I tell him
*Small, Demonic Yelp*
AHHHHHH the ghost
The ghöst!
Call the Ghöüstbusteir
The ghost is stealing my müney!
He punched me in the face!
And now he run off with my money!
Hey! Ghost, come back, that's my money!
One Time I waus on The Internet™ and I bought an Illegal drug from
And it turns out the drug was a ghost!
So I put him in the crack-pipe and I Smonk
*Sounds of Pure, Orgasmic Swedish Pleasure*
When the Evil Ghost shoot his magic spell on me, he accidentally gave me superpower!
Now I can shoot ghost web and climb Vauls
You may know me as Spidår-Man (wow)
But you might also know me
As that Homeless Heroin addict, I need to go now bye
I was once hungry
So I go down to the local Spaghetti Shop™
I told him "I want a big bowl of Spaghetti"
But i told him "I don't want regular Spaghetti, I want Spooky Spaghetti™! and i told him make it quick"
He punch me in the fucking dick (Arrgh)
He threw me out on the streets and kicked me in the Dick again (Arrgh)
I Screamed for God as he kicked me
Never order Spooky Spahgetti
I shit my pants!
[Verse 1]
I go out on the streets to protest the ghosts in the city
I hold up a sign that says "GHOSTS R SHITTI"
And to protest them, I shit my pants
Everybody confused. Me too, so I fall asleep
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ray Parker JR
In concert
[Verse 1]
If there's something strange in your Neighbürhood (NEIGHBORHOOD!)
Who Yöu Gounna call? (Who you gonna call?)
Ghöüstbusteirs™ (IT'S A GHOST!)
If there is something weird, and It don't lüük good. (IT DON'T LOOK GOOD!)
Who you gonna call? (GHOSTBUSTÖR!)
The Ghöüstbusteirs™ (GHOST BUST!)
I ain't afraid a' no ghost! (HE NO AFRAID!)
I ain't afraid a' the ghoOOOOst!
[Verse 1: Joel]
I need to get milk, I need milk for my cereal
There is no milk in my fucking fridge, so I get pissed
This song has nothing to do with Ghöüstbusteirs™
[Bridge: Text to Speech voice]
Milk is a nutrient-rich, white liquid food produced by the mammary glands of mammals
It is the primary source of nutrition for infant mammals, including humans who are breastfed, before they are able to digest other types of food
Early-lactation milk contains colostrum
[Verse 2: Joel]
Milk is good for your body, you see milk as calcium
It makes your skeleton strong and healthy
Oh no, the skeleton coming out!
[Outro: Skeleton]
I live!
When there something stranggguhe
And it don't look gooode
Who d'ya gonna call?
The Nuttebusteir
[utter chaos]
Invisible man
Sleepin in your bed
He Nutteed in the bed
The Ghost Nutteed!
And now it's time for you to Nutte to this song!
[even utterer chaos]
I call the Ghöüstbusteirs™ on the telephone
I tell them "There is a pröblem." And they tell me
"What-a is it now?"
I tell them "That my toilet is clögged"
They tell me "Why are you calling me about that?"
I tell them "There is a... too much ectoplasm~ in the toilet. pipes"
They say "If you call this nümber one maür time, we will shove the P.K.E meter~ in your bumhole."
I say
"How müch vill that cäüst"
[Midi ENDS]
And then they come over, and break my fucking legs
Who is it?
NO! it was joke! NoAHHHH! it vas only a prank AaHA-
[Intro: Vargskelethor]
Damn... life hasn't been the same since Grandma passed away last year. If there's only one way to bring her back, I'll do it. No matter what
What's this ad about? Re- resurrection?
[Verse 1: Vargskelethor and Ghost Johnson]
Hello (Hello?)
My name is Ghost Johnson (Oh, hello. How're you doing?)
I play drums so good (Oh?)
That I bring back the dead (Really?!?)
Oh, what's that? You want Grandma back? (Yes!!!)
Well, let me do a drum solo to bring her back. (YEAH!!!)
[drum solo]
Oh my God! It's- It's working?? It's working!?!?
Make Grandma come back to life!
Oh my God, she doesn't have any skin! AAAAAA!!!
No refunds
I poisoned the water supply
Now everyone dead, whoops
[Verse 1]
If there's something strange
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?
You smell that?
It smells good!
Cook a ghost on the grill!
Whaaat the fuck, you thought this was gonna be a regular edition of the song?
But, joke's on you!!!
You thought the last song would be good? But... HAHA!!!
[Verse 1]
If there's something strange
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Who the fuck are you gonna call?
The Ghostbusters!
I ain't afraid of no ghost
I ain't afraid of no ghost
Ray Parker Jr., please don't sue me!!!
[Verse 1]
Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell
[Verse 2]
Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech
Taken my hearing
Taken my arms
Taken my legs
Taken my soul
Left me with life in hell
[Verse 1]
Bill Murray
And then there's Ernie Hudson
Dan Akroyd
And Harold Ramis
They were the Ghöüstbusteirs™
But now they are no longer busting ghosts
They are now doing... porno
[Verse 2]
Bill Murray, he is in the porno
He is screwing the ghost
And sometimes he fart
It's a movie! (laughs)
[Verse 1]
If there's something strange
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?
The Ghostbuster!
If you have a problem
With a fucking ghost
Call me, I'll do it
I'll shoot the ghost
Watch the fuck out, it's me!
I bust a ghost. Yahoo! Whoop!
Ghostbusters was a movie in 1986
It was so exciting, but do you know what else is really exciting?
When you fart into a microphone! Here I go!
This album needs to end already. Bye!
This song is dedicated to Ray Parker Jr. - the original death metal master! Yeah!
[Verse 1]
If there's something strange
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?
If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Who you gonna call?
I ain't afraid of no ghost!
I ain't afraid of no ghost!
Who are you gonna call?
[spoken] Hello, are you having a funeral next week? Birthday?
Whatever the case, call me and I'll spice things up
I will entertain with my guitar and I'll do funny tricks
Call me, low prices., bye!
Hey jackass, pick up the phone
Pick up the phone, dumbass
It's something important
I bet it's something important- look, go, pick up the phone!
Go, go on! Go on, pick up the phone!
Do it!
You smell of poo-poo pee-pee
(spoken) C'mon already, I wanna... sing the song
C'mon. C'mon!
Piece of shit, c'mon! Bought this Fisher-Price keyboard for, like, 2 dollars
Do it! Do it! C'mon!
Oh no, it's... it's broken
Oh... oh dammit
Women approaching men

Trollololo @asianfemalesaresubhuman
commented on
Women approaching men
Trollololo @asianfemalesaresubhuman
I've had thousands of sluts approach me, they're just entitled pompous pieces of shit even still they approached. Feminism has absolutely exploded with the creation of the internet. I wonder why god haven't rid these creatures from earth.
;) what turns you on?

Trollololo @asianfemalesaresubhuman
commented on
;) what turns you on?
Trollololo @asianfemalesaresubhuman