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35 year old Male
Atlanta, GA
Oh btw this game is like if final fantasy and castlevania had a baby. Made by a salary man developer that took him 15 years to make, crazy good score on steam https://youtu.be/L27QwqQuUMA I beat it recently and it was pretty fun to me at least
Arc @arc judging by the trailer I would say that's a highly accurate description
Need to lose 65 lbs tbh @joemama711 Gotta love passion projects
Ill have to make a note for Brass Restoration. I recently finished The House in Fata Morgana and it was indeed a masterpiece. I bought the prequel to it. DRAMATICAL Murder and was gonna get utawarerumono when it was on sale. I only game like once or twice a week though lol. Is Brass Restoration on steam?
Arc @arc you can download it for free here: https://kimochi.info/brass-restoration If you do play it, you'll have to let me know what you think
Need to lose 65 lbs tbh @joemama711 Thanks! Maybe itll be up there with kawata shoujo
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Jan 22, 23 at 11:05pm
Random thought: Are you and your wife similar or opposites?
Arc @arc very similar. The video games we like, the anime we like, tv shows, all more or less the same. We differ in that I'm more perverted and technically oriented, and she is way more into boring political stuff
Need to lose 65 lbs tbh @joemama711 That makes sense, I feel like opposites attracting is a rather small Minority from what ive seen.
Veru @verucassault Say boring political stuff to my face, sucka..
Veru @verucassault Also he says he's more perverted but I guarantee I've watched more fan service anime than he has. And our game preferences do vary, some. I like simulations and strategy games, city builders. I can't stand JRPGs pr games that require lots of reading. I also like big epic adventure games more than he does, I think he played Morrowind but didn't beat Oblivion or Skyrim and he hasn't touched Assassin's Creed, Red Dead or hell... maybe not even beat a Grand Theft Auto.
Veru @verucassault And our anime likes vary. The thing is, we have enough in common that we can share some things but enough things we like on our own to entertain ourselves.
Need to lose 65 lbs tbh @joemama711 Idk i feel like degenerate hentai makes you more perverted then fan service, I never played any of those excepy assassins creed. Like i never could get into fallout so i dont think id like skyrim much, didnt care for witcher 3 either but its more so too much freedom and way too long time sink. I agree with the jrpg reading slog but ive recently gotten vack into visual novels xause i love a good story.
Veru @verucassault I loved skyrim and played it 4 or 5 times but I couldn't stand Fallout. They are made by the same company and Mayne have the same style, talk to people, get missions, explore, but the Elder Scrolls universe and setting aren't bleak like Fallout. The atmosphere and setting made all the difference. Couldn't stand Fallout
Arc @arc If you are getting into visual novels again, I recommend Brass Restoration. Man, that game gave me hard-core feels
Veru @verucassault The Witcher 3 and its expansions was a huge game but I loved that world as well.
Need to lose 65 lbs tbh @joemama711 I never tried skyrim so idk but closest thing to it was Witcher 3 and FF15 way too much stuff to explore, do and never had a sense of urgency which a lot of people like but I kinda feel like whats the point. Idk I only game once or twice a week and even then for a few hours so its hard cause i like switching stuff up
Veru @verucassault Yeah I wouldn't force it. Elder Scrolls are massive, free world games. Time sinks.
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Jan 22, 23 at 3:53pm
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Jan 22, 23 at 10:24am
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Jan 21, 23 at 6:26pm
Arc @arc oooh this is cool. Looks like AI art. I'd love to do something like this one day
A part of my soul dies whenever i remember trying to conversate on here.
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Jan 20, 23 at 7:42pm
Arc @arc lol that last sentence