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cameostars @cameostars
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andiiii Cx
cameostars @cameostars
Webtoons are pretty nice and you can always find unique gems like Overgeared and Solo Leveling, just need to avoid those who have more then 500 chapters already since most of them are like, what, fillers ? Lol

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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andiiii Cx
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Read any good stories lately?

andiiii Cx @andi_cx
andiiii Cx @andi_cx
I don’t know whether to blame the Yiga or not for this reoccurring nightmare of this long dark hallway with their decorative displays and random screams coming from the dark depths of it. LOL aside from that, can’t wait for some slow heartful wholesomeness of Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life soon. <3