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Omegalol @tyrantdesco
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Omegalol @tyrantdesco
Can’t tell if your mad or trying to look sexy? :b I also see that you love romance anime mind recommending me to some?

antired94 @antired94
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antired94 @antired94
Hey my name is red, how you doin?

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
ur welcome. :P so how are you?
Your First....Anime, of course!

akumu_89 @akumu_89
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Your First....Anime, of course!
akumu_89 @akumu_89
Sailor Moon ^^

akumu_89 @akumu_89
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akumu_89 @akumu_89
Series is great. I am on an ongoing basis and i can't wait to end. I love this music! (ALI PROJECT created a fantastic climate) ^^