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rainbowxstar @erin_norene
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rainbowxstar @erin_norene
that luffy tattoo is the bomb! :D

Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
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Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
It's really late Aaron, so I'm heading to bed. I look forward to talking with you some more in the future~^^ G'nite!

Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
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Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
Thanks on both accounts! :) As for the hat~ It ought to be.. It's the official hat from Japan! XD It was not cheap to get either.. >_< I love your idea for your tat. I'll post up my sketch one day. Right now everything is packed for the move. It's going to be an armband on my left forearm with the black 'X' in the middle like what the crew did while helping Princess Vivi~ ;)
Funniest Anime/manga

aaronmb13 @aaronmb13
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Funniest Anime/manga
aaronmb13 @aaronmb13
GTO or Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? season one and two were great
Anime Characters You Can't Stand

aaronmb13 @aaronmb13
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
aaronmb13 @aaronmb13
wow Anime characters i cant stand
Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven)
Ouma Shuu (Guilty Crown)
Donquixote Doflamingo (one piece)
Fuyou Kaede (Shuffle!)