Anime Characters You Can't Stand

EmmleMae @emmlemae
Anime Characters You Can't Stand
EmmleMae @emmlemae
I'm sure there's already a topic like this somewhere, but if so it's pretty old... I scrolled a few pages back (got to 2011) and didn't see one.
Anyway, I always see favorite characters, crushes, strongest characters, "who would win" threads and such... but we all have characters we would rather just punch in the face too, right? :p
1. Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
2. Renge Houshakuji (Ouran Koukou Host Club)
3. Yuka (Elfen Lied)
4. Kagome Higurashi (InuYasha)
5. Hiyono Yuizaki (Spiral)
1. Excalibur (Soul Eater)
2. Hideki Motosuwa (Chobits)
3. Onigiri (Air Gear)
4. Masao Murasako (Shiki)
5. Koushaku Chouno (Busou Renkin)

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Anime Characters You Can't Stand
ロイ @wallace614
wow you hate all the nice girls
and im talking about
tohru honda and hiyono yuizaki

EmmleMae @emmlemae
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
EmmleMae @emmlemae
I don't hate all the nice girls. xD I like Hinata just fine.
But I dislike Tohru because she's an airhead and TOO nice to the point where it bothers me immensely. If her friends and Kyo weren't around she'd probably get raped.
And then the end of the series made me think she was a hypocrite because of how she reacts to Kyo. :/
And I find Hiyono annoying. I also wouldn't call her particularly nice... she's kind of cocky and very um... extroverted?
Most of this is just personal opinion though.
& the rest of the girls in that list aren't nice... they're crazy.

ロイ @wallace614
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
ロイ @wallace614
well you should read the whole manga
also read spiral its way better in manga
haha i know the rest are crazier

aaronmb13 @aaronmb13
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
aaronmb13 @aaronmb13
wow Anime characters i cant stand
Renton Thurston (Eureka Seven)
Ouma Shuu (Guilty Crown)
Donquixote Doflamingo (one piece)
Fuyou Kaede (Shuffle!)

Proud Beast @proudbeast
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
Proud Beast @proudbeast
I'm surprised no one said this already:
Shinji Ikari (Evangelion)
Hanagata (Saber Marionette J)
Rossiu Adai (Gurren Lagann)
Rock (Black Lagoon)
Ethan Weber (PSU)
Haraguchi (Genshiken)
Mayuri (Steins Gate)
Yui (Angel Beats)
Rei Miyamoto (HoTD)
Rubette (Gokudo Manyuuki)
Sawako Kuronuma (Kimi Ni Todoke)
Kirino Kosaka (Oreimo)
I can think of more but that is a good sample of my hate for spineless wimps and bossy chicks. I'm also not a fan of the main character happy go lucky syndrome and just flat out annoying characters.

Light @light323
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
Light @light323
Top 3 females
Kazumi Yoshida(Shakugan No Shana)
Hinata(Naruto) no comments lol
Haruna Sairenji(To Love Ru)
Nue(Air Gear)

meido @meido
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
meido @meido
Kanna Tanigawa (Ano Natsu de Matteru) and Yozora Mikazuki (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) pissed me off to no end. They were awful characters that were appalling to be seen as love interests. Everyone in Puella Magi Madoka Magica annoyed me to some extent except Mami and Homura.

sunsetstarlight @sunsetstarlight
commented on
Anime Characters You Can't Stand
sunsetstarlight @sunsetstarlight
Orihime Inoe (Bleach)
All she ever does is call Ichigo's name with her annoying voice and blush. A like her much better in the recent episodes, it sucks that it's cancelled for now..

jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
commented on
Anime Characters You Can't Stand
jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
Marina Ismail (Gundam 00) - Aside from being an emotional crutch to Setsuna in season one, I feel that she had no real relevance to the overall plot of Gundam 00. And she is somewhat replaced by Feldt in Season Two...
Both Miguel Aiman and Heine Westenfluss. (Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny)
For starters, T.M. Revolution voiced them in Japanese. Second, They died. Fast. Third, They had a five second impact on any character. They were not necessary. At all.
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