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Morning Beautiful People of MO
Good afternoon beautiful senpai of MO, how are you?
It's to sunny outside... I don't wanna come back from my lunch break!!! Booooo!!!! I don't wanna be an adult, but I have to... damnit. Still coming back a few minutes late, so take that!!!
I hope you enjoyed your lunch? Sorry to hear you have to adult XD, but I'm glad you are up and pressing on (despite adulting sucking). Hope you can enjoy the rest of your day despite work Ya-Ya
@wei_ying I've been fighting a cold all week. How are you?
@audiosenpai Oh no! I hope you get better soon, make sure to try and drink plenty of water and get as much rest as possible But I'm doing very well, thank you for asking. Trying to complete writing for as many stories as I can so I can post them for my readers on my birthday
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