Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Lamby @momoichi
K-On rapture? there bringing it back??? (that college version? thought it got rejected?)
and don't worry it wont be anything flamboyant, nothing offensive at all, infact it brings them closer together (wow that sounds cheesy.....)
Arc @arc
commented on
Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Arc @arc
As long as it fits within the realm of the story, I wouldn't mind a character turning out to be gay. I agree with what a lot of people said here; as long as it doesn't turn out into a make out fest or touchy-feely crap why not?
Forneus @forneus
commented on
Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Forneus @forneus
I've watched a possibly two anime series that wound up having the homosexual element in the story very subtle though. I'm a huge romance anime fanatic, any story male on male, female on female, or even male and female does not change the amazing style of romance captured in each story. Every story is unique and different and I do not discriminate, and would actually willingly watch anime with such features as long as it had that element of romance that I so enjoy. So keep writing, people will enjoy it, and if they don't well I guess they are going to miss out.
subaru_mat @subaru_mat
commented on
Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
subaru_mat @subaru_mat
It wouldn't bother me at all.
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