Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Lamby @momoichi
Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Lamby @momoichi
ok attention has been caught!
in an anime with just guys in a band (not pro but like garage and its all fun and games)
if later u found out one of those guys was gay, not noticeably cuz the other guys didn't knw and it never really comes up again
but for u guys wood that kill the anime for u? im ser for the ladys itd make it better :P
Amezuki @amezuki
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Amezuki @amezuki
I have a hard time understanding people who get bent out of shape about stuff like this. But then, I had a previous long-term partner who was a yaoi fanfic author and homosexuality doesn't really even get me to bat an eye anyway, so perhaps I'm not the right target audience for this question. ;)
Lamby @momoichi
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Lamby @momoichi
if ur male and like anime u r :D!
ty for ur input!
check for ok with it!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Amezuki @amezuki
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Amezuki @amezuki
Let me put it this way: I've attended a yaoi/slash convention with said partner (Escapade '00), *in drag*, and enjoyed myself all weekend. Yaoi isn't really my thing these days, but gay characters or shounen-ai themes aren't going to squick me or make me go running.
But I recognize that as a male anime fan I am somewhat unusual in that regard.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Lamby @momoichi
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Lamby @momoichi
anywheez, it wood be like a k-on thing but with boys, so less touchy and more mean language and shit guys do with eachother lol
Amezuki @amezuki
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Amezuki @amezuki
Okay now, time out, which Yui are we nominating for president of Moe-ness? XD SAO!Yui?
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
@Tee hee Tum Tums
With regard to the original topic, this sort of happened to me in real life, minus the garage band part. (A good friend of mine came out in my circle of best friends. Everyone was okay with it. We're cool like that!) So, no, it wouldn't kill the Anime for me. Sexual orientation has no bearing on whether or not I like a character, and would not ruin something for me.
As a side note, he was extremely worried about it since he thought we'd freak out. It was cute. If you ask this question because you're writing something, it may be funny to consider that as a character attribute or a plot point.
Elizabeth @anjukuran
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Tips needed (mainly guys needed)
Elizabeth @anjukuran
As long as the anime doesn;t turn into a yaoi, whats wrong with a gay character.
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