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Link me to a specific thread please. I think I've updated it more so it should be better on mobile.
Yeah I think that might help.
I seem to be having problems with my "Best matches" link... It says its loading my matches that it could take up to 15 min but I've left the screen on there for longer than that and it still not loading. I have a blank page for best matches link.
The site is still pretty buggy for me. I don't seem to be getting any notifications. And on the default "Recent activity" page I get this error: ((Though this does finally answer the question, MaiOtaku is definitely written in Ruby, specifically ROR))
I don't think the match system is working for me. It says it is generating matches, and that it could take up to 15 minutes, but I've had this acount for weeks now, so it should be done by now xD Anyway, just thought I'd mention it. I think the problem might be that no one lives near me, so it simply can't make any matches.
Oct 01, 14 at 1:18am
Anyone else having trouble adding new anime? I click on "Didn't find what you were looking for? Add It Here" and it takes me to "http://maiotaku.com/animangas/new", which is just a completely blank page. Doesn't work on both Firefox or internet explorer.
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