What to do...oh what to do....

gamerblue @gamerblue
What to do...oh what to do....
gamerblue @gamerblue
Okay kinda new here but just thought I'd ask. I've been dating since 16 but I have a serious problem with the area I live in. I have moved away but ended up here again (at least for now so no choice).I'm trying to the make the best of it but always run into the same problems = the girls I date share NO interests of mine. And I really mean NONE. I try to go to cons etc (which usually take a bit of travel time)but the problem there is that I'm just to old. The crowd is always teens and that really makes it impossible to meet someone. The older crowd is usually married or keeping to themselves. I came on this site to try and figure out a way around this. Any advice?

m9um9u @m9um9u
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
m9um9u @m9um9u
Fake your age. The only boyfriend I ever had was online, and he believed me to be five years older than I was. Try it the other way round; by your profile pic, you're in your early 20s, so looking younger shouldn't be too hard.

gamerblue @gamerblue
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
gamerblue @gamerblue
I definately look younger but i hate to lie about age. I've even got carded for buying cough medicine before

Live4thenow @live4thenow
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
Live4thenow @live4thenow
Dont lie about your age!!!
I am about the same age as you, and I have noticed the same thing at many conventions it is alot of younger people single and ready to mingle and many of the people are age come in groups or as couples. Don't fret, there are many people out there our age who are into the same stuff that we are and are quite interesting. They may be few and far between but they are worth it when you meet them. ^^

Emerald Revolver @outlawrenegade
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
Emerald Revolver @outlawrenegade
to be honest just be yourself and go with your flow. Let it come instead of rushing it.

gamerblue @gamerblue
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
gamerblue @gamerblue
definitely not rushing anything and im always myself..but I kinda missed the opportunity at a younger age i think

ichigo @ichigo
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
ichigo @ichigo
I know how you feel gamer. I didn't start going to conventions till i was 20 since I was low on money before then and feel like I missed out on 3-4 years of convention going.

ichigo @ichigo
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
ichigo @ichigo
*realized I didn't say anything helpful before* For the age thing ive always been honest and have to agree with live4thenow that most our age go as couples. The best way I would approach this is talking on the con forums and trying to attend panels that involve the attendee's to interact with each other. Going to cosplay meet-ups, especially where you meet at an eating place is a good way to socialize and sometimes there's 21+ m&g's at the bar/hotel bar which is great to find people around our age to hang out with. Myself, I haven't starting looking for a girl I could really love until this year but I think finding that special anime girl depends alot on luck and being in the right place at the right time.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Just be outgoing and don't be super creepy about it. If you get shot down, so what? You probably get rejected more often than you think. You can definitely miss out on a lot if you sit on the sidelines, this has happened to me so many times and it's even cost me a ton of money. So get out there and just do it!

Kronos @kronos
commented on
What to do...oh what to do....
Kronos @kronos
This is good advice. I'm in the same situation myself, more or less (trying to find an otaku my age); there are a lot of teenagers at these conventions (no offense to the young ones here). So yes, it is tricky.
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